The Bayonne Times from Bayonne, New Jersey (2024)

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The Bayonne Timesi

Bayonne, New Jersey

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1 i raasv "'sffissK' Sil jrj? 1crrr T7rn a r7iT: 3 vt i a i a THE BAYONNE TIMES THURSDAY MARCH 16 1959 TWENTY OUR Male Mala Automotive Automotive fORWfW Autos far (ala Autaa fir Saia inancial Money to Loan Buick dub coupe on but Carrlago Merchandise for Sale Wanted to Buy Mlscallaneous Typewriter! NECCHI The Wonder Machine loan ree Local opening Young Instructions Mala GUARANTEED DISCOUNTS On NEW CAB GUARANTEE Help amala Oxly ot Mala emale st Photo Equipment Grocoriea HERE IT IS stg sot Mlaaallanooue inancial Money to Loan Refrigeration Service QUICKIES Ruga Television is DEADLINE for Rugs Clesned cun coupi Ij DIAMONDS Many Others to Choose rom Terms to Suit Your Need 95 95 Pd 150 05 urniture beautifully cleaned in your hom*o by famoua snampoolng method Elite Upholstery Cleaners 535 Avenue Bayonne 68881 1 cloaer tn the today Call now and me KXDCUTIVES CAR At a Substantial 8it1d! 5 Pc Porcelain it of Dish 40 uv 89 na 37 36 Employment Hslp smsl BAYONNE TIMES ClassiffahAds Corrections Cancellations I ur nnnv online nv reofl Buick elub coup 1224 BOULEVARD At rtfty Afth St BAYONNE POLE CO CLOTHE8POLS9 AND LAGPOLES PHONS BAY 8 8968 ADMIRAL VENETIAN BLINDS TRY OUR PRICES IRST! flow er Write ter ree EeUmate 341 Bay 3 8251 BUICK Black Sedanette white walls DE SOTO DeLuxe Coach PLYMOUTH 4 Door black white walls BUICK Sedan Very Clean PLYMOUTH 4 Door radio and heater ORD Coupe New puncture proof tires THIS TUB POPULAR SARATOGA MODEL INISHED IN THUNDER GRAT AND ULLY IQUIPPED 2 Boudoir Lamps Boudoir Picture improvemenu to SPECIAL PRICE 1937 CHRYSLER AIRLOW $200 2oth Century motors 811 BROADWAY BAYONNE 8 4747 PLYMOUTH 1949 eeny model radio heater new car guarantee HUpaON GABAGt Inc De 8otoPlymouth Dealer and 85th St Bayonne 8 15134 pay pour etc SCOTTIB PUPPIB8 Great Danes other from 5 Billy Rote Kennele Sli Wash ington NY Beekman 3 9759 TWO OPENINGS EASY PART TIME WORK Hours at Your Convenience Phqne Bayonne 3 0950 attpr 4 ni tor personal Interview SINGER POWER SEWING MACHINES 81 15 95 1 96 10 Beu Portable 92990 Coneole 94990 Guaranteed Eeey terma HUDSON 329 Monticello Ave 0 Beroen 4 4384 CASH REGISTERS Warren refrUeratora meat cue etore flxturee ealee addin auetdoM typewrltero ISHMAN'S 91 Newark Ave Berten 4 8579 AVE A 774 Comer ol 33rd Street larre room with kitchenette complete lor homekeeplny UPHOLSTERING all phases of CUSTOM LTHOLBTER ING AND SLIP COVER WORK TAUGHT AT THS bench Approved for veterans and non veteraaa by Stale Department ot Education Morning Afternoon Evening Claaoe CONCOURSE SCHOOL UPHOLSTERY 3 10 CONCOURSE East JO 4 4057 74 80 MONTGOMERY ST DE 6672 PHONE BA 3 4200 Ask for Experienced Operators Apply Sportswear 831 Broad er Third loor 3 Complete Rooms of Brand New urniture and 1950 Refrigerator Regular $690 Value ONLY $395 NEW USED HUGS Carpetin and Runner tor Sale Trade tn Your Old Rupe NATIONAL CARPET CLEANING CD 639Grand St Heron 4 7775 rei 1924 1288 1283 1924 577 T7 Cldseout DELUXE MODEL GAS RANGE 8100 PHILIP COHAN 418 Personal inance Co 561 Broadway 2nd loor Phone 3 0922 BAYONNE Lleenae No 889 JOIN OUR Photo Merchandise Club Now winner each week OTOSHOP 422 AVENUE BAYONNE 96045 795 750 all th Lfal MMla laAtnv Brand of Televiaion Refrigerator Washers Ranges Radios THROUGH The Eastern Club Plan ULL DETAILS AT EASTERN 1510 Hudson BE 8 8400 IRVING ROSENHAM 5V0 AVENUE A Saleswoman Experienced Only ull or Part Tims WEAR WHITE BOX 9 6 TIMES Seek and Ye Shall ind The Type of Car On Your Mind MERCURY Green 4 Door CHEVROLET 2 Tone Club Coupe CHE VROLET 4 Door Like New PLYMOUTH Blue Bargain 47 48 WHEN YOlHpRIVE DO NOT INANCE YOUR NEXT CAR UNTO YOU INVESTIGATE OUR LOW INANCE RATES A A 589 AVENUE BAYONNE 8 1357 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR WITH KNOWLEDGE STENOGRA PHY TYPING AND GENERAL OICE WORK MUST HAVE PLEASING PER SONAL1TY WRITE IN DETAIL GIV ING AGE EXPERIENCE AND OTHER DATA BOX 8 TIMES JI Dodn club Mupe 1 Plymouth 4 Dr 41 rum You can earn money as part time or full tim saleslady on television High commission Expert will help you get started most active business field Your income is unlimited Delaware 3 S770 Ext 1 or apply at outside sales office 45 Ege Ave Jersey City between 10 a and 4:30 OPERATORS ON DRB8B13 EXPE RIENCED ON PINKING AND MERROW STEADY WORK GOOD PAY GET $25 to $500 TODAY IN RECORD TIME GALL BRD RIBSINDOR BAYONNE 33300 Employees Loan Co 470 Broadway Lio No 103 Wanted to Buy assiis swasisa smwvbuiicw bourhi and Mid Jewelry eetatM aoonuaed and ourduMOi Business Directory Building Materials DURACLEAN SERVICE Bute and uphollry eltanwl in your hem Auto upholstery cleaned al our plank RECOMMENDED by leadlns carpet and funlttuo mfn throughout the United Statoo 28 Wot 55th St Bay 7 2781 TO WAGE EARNERS AND SALARIED EMPLOYEES It you are steadily employed and need up to 91000 for lerltlmatw 4urpom alien at paymeflii oi uuvsur vumb iiiAnr nr borne or to take ug existing debta YOU Down Per Mo vva 50 10 10 10 10 5 CONGOWALL Irrarular 4M': Bo aq toot Pm top border dCHOENBABTS 129 Old Bersan Boid Jeraey City Del 2 5688 ROYAL MOTORS (Chrysler Plymouth) J19 Communipaw Ave OB I MOO EST SINra im OPBM TO 9 WHAT YOU GET: 10 Pc LIVING ROOM Sola 2 Chairs 9x12 Rur 9 Tables 2 Lamp Car pet Bweeper Smokeetand 9 Pe BEDROOM Bed Dremer Cheat Rur Chair 36 Pe KITCHEN Breakfast Set complete eervtce lor elx NO MONEY DOWN! TELEVISION RADIO BROADCASTING TECHNICAL INSTIrB 880 Benren Ave I JO 8 2777 8 Stenographer Salary 932 Typist Age 25 to 35 Salary 940 Young glrla wanted a meMengers Also atenorraphere Many openings for receut high school graduatee CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 561 Broadway Bayonne 7 8849 OLDER AND LOOR eyparienced in garment induetry SILK INraHER Hand euterieneed on dreaoM Several boenlngu in var ious linea NEW JERSEY STATE EMPLOYMENT 5E4 BROADWAY NO EE CHARGED ROYAL MOTORS Offers CHRYSLER 4 DR SED 115 BLVD fflc SxK BusinessDIrectory Building Contractor Morecraft Construction Co Rooflnr Carpentry Leaders Gat tare Pealdlrect wth onntracUir and ear 27 Eaat sstht Baynnna 3 1T77 BABRB8I A SON Plaeterinr Cement Work and DMr ways 209 OnaM ft Bar 1718 elt Bane Rofft 9x12 9395 Loir Spring Mattrrseeealleiato 917 50 SACKS URNITUREe 44 AYE Counter Girls Bus Girls 5 Day 40 Hour Week Inc 358 West 50th SI Qty MATT MOTORS HOME THE WORKING CAR 4518 Boulevard Jersey City BErgen 4 9082 WE MANUACTURE WE MUST SELL OR LESS LEXIBLE 23x36 Width QA "sTEEL 64 io Ipng 79 HOUR SERVICE MASTER Venetian Blind Mfg Co ZUBER AND 8 MACALUSO ProPA 27 COTTAGE ST BAY 9 8848 AAA Millwork Storm BaMt Windaw rame and Suh Sheet Rock Cabutaia Screen Gera Doom Plywood Trim Lumber Co 20Q Are a at 19th St Bayoaoa 9 0681 Carpentry Nome Refrigeration Service HOUSEHOLD AND COMMERCIAL 159 4TH ST BAYONNE 8 3019 5 DAY BEORE PUBLICATION Low Interest Rate life ineurauue coverage on your OPEN RIDAY EVENING 7 TO 8 HUDSON COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Broadway Corner 23rd St Bayonne USED RUGS AND CARPETS ft Erie St Jour So 3 0H60 Smyer electric iron 94: drophead ae win machine 815 Hoover vacuum fclean MXxWtM A r'" LEARN DIESEL OPERATION MAINTENANCE A REPAIR DAY AND EVENING CLASSES New Day Ciaaa Bering March 6 Veteran Approved Write for Catalog NEWARK DIESEL INSTITUTE 235 PLANE STREET NEWARK Mitchell 2 8480 may HUDSON COUNTY NATIONAL BANK LEARN DIAMOND SETTING OPPORTUNITY SECURITY UTURE Civilians Small Monthly Payments INDIVipUAL SHOP INSTRUCTION given on all phases of diamond setting by expert diamond setters Course also includes Theory of Precious Metals Precious Stones and Semi Precious Stones in cluding Recognition Evaluation Testing etc i ENROLL NOW I Seating Capacity Limited No Educational Reaulrements Approved for Veterans Under Cl Bill PROGRESSIVE DIAMOND SETTING INSTITUTE MBMHUK NUW IBHaUV 4880C1AT10N SCHOOLS 81 SIP AVENUE JERSEY CITY Opp Journal Square Tube Station JO 2 2524 TROPICAL AQUARIUM nannteed ln iny cmitflem tropical nah retailed at wholeaala prloea latlet 19a 429 Weat Side Ave 0 Open 7 AT Larae collection of pup plea and I are breed 95 up Beautiful pedlrreed Perelan Uttana 25 pet ham etara reeh hone meat bird and doa food delivered 140 Jackaon Ave Jer aey City Barren 4 7172 ord 1947 Sedan lix arUadar Bara la an economical weed car that is afevaMwTla atdaMd In that popular rttii radio aM 8995 Naah 1947 Super 4 Dr Sed Tory a low mlfowa inaMM 'Ut It EM UBWI8 diUonod rvrww ARROW VENETIAN BLINDS TABLB PADS AND STORM WINDOWS TIMX PAYMINTS 318 AVB COR 13TH ST BAY 8 8089 Employment Household Help Wanted BENNETT AUTO SALES Authoataed ord Daelar Stno 1919 til SBOADWAY BAY 2S00 6oa to PM Mon Wed i4 Bia Reilly ReillyBUBT MaWafc Time Payment Bay 8 0088 or 9339 Come Seo It Come Try It HEE UhM'NSI HA I'loN AND TRANSPORTATION World faaiouv universal ail ourpoM mv ing machine which in addition to all ordinary MWing doe aigxag stitching embroidering darning Sewn 2 and 4 hole button without any special at tachment ON DISPLAY AT MODERN SEWING MACHINE CO 66 21 st St BA 3 0822 LMAKN CARPENTRY Immediate Enrollment VeterenAonroyeu ree Catalorue PENN INSTITUIB 1142 Broad St Newark Blaelow 3 5435 MARCH SALE! Buy Direct rom Manutaoturse lunar Sprina Mattreeeae 810 JIS 9 Po Maple Bedroom Suite 8950 Bed Sprtnr and Mattreee 22 So 3 Door Wardrobe 1850 Crib and Mattreae 2950 Indirect Torek Lamp tM Wo Aloo Cun a rub Lina ed PIXXmCOVBBINGB COLUMBIA MATTRESS 48 21ST ST or 174 AVXNU1 9 Bayonne 8 1968 UTU BODY KEPAIh WELDING METAL WORK SPRAYING AtiTU UPHOLSTERY Votorui Aooepted IMMEDIATE ENROLLMENT craft AUTO BODY REPAIR SCHOOL 335 Communipaw Ara Nr Wanaldo Ave Jareey City Delaware 2 8180 Boulevard Motor Corp AT cfgLOS McMahon 4 reuter KVD90N DIAXJU 319 Kav Ret Ilth42th 8tt Bt 8 8824 NEED EXTRA CASH! Make It easily! Sell Everyday Greeting Card 15 card $1 all eventa Asortuieut mH ou eight: pay up to 100 Gift Wrap Metallic PLASTICS other Al ec Imprinted Note Stationery Napkin Get EREE samples assortment on ap proval ARTISTIC 360 Wv Elmira 390 Jackson Ave Jersey City BAYONNE 3 4900 Open Expt TuM and Wed factory sells direct so sayings aAVKaN'eiTOeutre? Ave 7li8 OPERATORS Experienced ladie' blouae eectlou work Alio BEMMER end CLOSER AIRVIEW GARMENTS 1213 Sepnd loor Neu City lue BAYONNE 86523 GRASSO OLDSMOBILE DEALER UbryslBr BedBB I '48 Pontiac Sedan 1093 Oldsmobile Club Sedan: A 109847 ord DsL Sed 1089 Olds Sedan: '1 119541 Packard Sedan: Uka naw: i H95 "Hmnh There muat be a mistake In thia Tlmaa Want Ad it aaya 'Galdflah tor aala at tha comer af Main and PAUL PANDOLI ADV ART STUDIO Commercial Art 3208 BamnUne Ave Union City Union 5 1925 GI approved BRICKLAYtMi tmiuedlate enrollment Yelereii aPMOjed ree Catalorue PENN INSTITUTE 1142 Broad St Newark Bigelow 86435 St Patrick brave the anakee tram Ireland Clancy Lawarad the baam Bennett Draad hla uaad ear grleae Plane Tuning and Rapalra EAVE YOUR PIANO MODERNIZED le Paa TUNING and REPAIRING Jas IS9a 1088 Ave Bay 3843 Lojewild Son COAL a co*kE a UEL OIL GUARANTEED COAL and WEIGHT ISO 9 AVENUE BAY 3 7468 loor Scraplna 915 AVENUE COR 42ND ST BAY 3 8153 N1WLT DECORATED URNISHED ROOM WITH KITCHEN PRIVILEGES RERIG AVE 950 corner 44tb St: newly decorated 2 room apt: tile bath frigid arre combination sink and gae range or buiine couple YOUNG LADY bookkeeper and typlt Experienced only Applv STEINBERG URNITURE CO 494 Broadway Bay 8 3334 Help Mele Personnel Man Due to reorganisation plan thi agency 1 in need of a man with sale person nel and administrative ability to mn age and operate the activities of the of flne Person Qualified must be In posi tion to provide for small cash bond If agency i convinced of selected appli cant' capabilities opportunity to buy in buoinea will be offered PleM apply between 9 a and 12 noon to CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 561 Broadway Bayonne 7 8849 MAINTENANCE MAN Experienced capable dolne brick maaon ry pipe and carpentry work Only thorouafily experienced Apply HY8E REALTY CORP PORT JOHNSON TERMINAL Hobart Ave and 2nd St Bayonne Down Per Mo BUY GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE PRICES AT JACK3 BARGAIN OOD STORE AVENUE BET S2ND 23BD I OPEN 8 A DAILY QUINNY'S Rat Service Coldapot Kelt Croaley rUr any make aervlaed a lot aa Call DE 3 0445 Redlo and Television Wtpairt CONGOWALL Irregular 5c ft ree top border Ttle board 4x4 23o eq ft tRWtN'8 176 Jackson Ave near Bteg mao St Del 8 6848 BAYONNE URNACE A bTOVE WORKS STOVE Boifoto urnace Range Eaater Repair Part 442 AVE Bay 3309 WOMAN to asit buaineee mother car of one year old child and light house work Steady Reference: Phone Bay 3 3582 AMILY 541 BROADWAY (Second Hooel Uoenae No 773 BAYONNE 3778 By Kn Reynolds 51090 ord 1948 Cnvertiblo Thia af to really honey I boeutlful eauvan Bnlah revere thia etyltah body Ithai WMwwall Uro and whul rima It tatorjor la apooef with aord radlo alr oondltloned heater end aaat eevaro It aleo nea a power top ate miner era many other extra moeo at mu 11195 ord 1940 Convertible Beautiful let black finlak ton epotlM Interior with radio healer It he portoot runnmr ter Th akaroaat ou lx town 8595 Busin Directory 8wlng Machines Special for March! A belt a packaxe of needle a can cf oil and your machine Inspected for 8160 Singer Sewing Machine Co 503 Broadway Bayonne 3 0228 Sheet Roeflnff DUCT WORK Skyllfhu and Gnttera 30 year of competent roofing and sheet metal work Montgomery Sheet Metal and Roofing Co subsidiary of Safety Product Co 263 airmount Ave Jr toy City Del 2 700 Spraying WINTER SPECIAL I Immed tore ftotra eprayed like naw S1O Eettmete oe oablnela tree Guar TOPS Del 3 0445 BILLS UNPAID? Let YES MAN help you get a fresh start! Here1 a tonibl plan uaeq by over a tuiliion Personal customers to dean up bill or for other Add your obilgatiou pay them off In a lump sum with a loan from Personal then make just one reasonable paymen eacn mon Loan 25 to HU0 Drtn't hrtrrn iiniiaoeMBiiv if a loan solves money problem come in or phone today I'm sold on You that's why say to 4 out of 5 who ask for a loan 1 A erguson YES MAN Leam to operate Singer factory power machines Bank488 Communi paw Ave Bergen 3 6744 GIRL to work In ice cream parlor 5 night week Good Ptf Apply in person 415 KITCHEN SETS ehrom with tota tope any color or atyl lelltns manufacturer' price Bay 3 8711 LAMPS SHADES GroeUy Baduoadt NEIDORSItsi 8 M40 CONTE RADIO AND ELECTRIC 00 989 Broadway Bay 3 0300 RADIO SERVICE by our skilled technician meant reduced costa to yoa I Rapalra guaranteed according to parts maaufMturers' warranty Prompt Pick up and Delivery Service TRUNGLETEUfiVISIDN SERVICE 238 Broadway Bajonna 7 01 Authorised service station for Buick Chevrolet Pontiac Oldsmobile Cadillac Auto radios AU part in stock Roofing Buick 4 Dr Buick 4 Dr Chevrolet 2 Dr Buk 4 Dr ord Sedan Oldamoblle Chevrolet sedan 100 Cara to Choose rom Some as Low as ot No Down Payment on Care Under $500 MOST ULLY EQUIPPED 1737 Jereey City Cor Danforth Ave Showroom and Lot Open Evenings Til 10 HEnderson 3 3400 01 3TENOTYPE (machine shorthand) start any time Shorthand bookkeeping typ ing Expert individual instruction CON COURSE BUSINESS SCHOOL Jo 5 1446 Merchandise for SPECIALS BRAND NEW SET 1 10 inch Emerson AM and 1 10 inch ad 10 inch Admiral Con ole 1 12 4 inch Olympic Console 2 16 lnch GE Combination Conoolea Here your chance te ret Telavlalon Set at barrain price If you already have 'on thio la your ebanc to ret a terend act for your home rom $8900 end Up Appliance Store M2 BRjUAnWAV saVOSNE 3 1221 7T TELVtSIok SALE I Claarinr out more than 49 floor aempl at rreativ reduced price Com to endl UR JACKET man' topcoat Breulace Phone Bay 3 1587 RERIGERATOR (Coldspot) 6 ciT ft Reasonable 187 4tb St down tair Musical Inetrumsnts AU Inatruaienta el Wholeaal riote 18 MONTHS TO PAY Greenville Music Co 98 Jackaon Are Beodereon 4 1806 Pats OPERATORS OPENINGS ARB AVAILABLE OB SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS AT MAIDEN ORM BRASSIERE CO EXPERIENCED PREERRED Limited Number of Trainee Will Be Aoueptad I YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A STEADY JOB WITH A UTURE APPLY Main Plant Avenue and 17th St BAYONNE Monday Through riday Batwaea Hour ot I end 1 1:41 A PIECE WORK RATES MANY EMPLOYEE BENEITS MUSIC WljlLE YOU WORK E3M OR SMALL AND LARGE TIOMES ALSO ESSO HEAVY OIL BURNERS OR APARTMENTS CHURCHES SCHOOU PUBLIC BUILD INGS BAV 8 7070 Painting and Dacsratlng Bel Art Decorators REDRICK LINDQUIST Painting Decorating add Paperbuglnr AT ITS BUST OB LISS 80 Wt Both 8t Bayonne 8 8758 Interior Exterior painting paperhanging piaaterlng carpentry work attended to OLBCX 89 9th St Bat 3 6930 CRIB light wood aprinx mattreae Alsomail else tricycle and wirelee record player AU in excellent condition 92 West 33rd Street Apt IM between 6:30 and 8 IRKPIaACE mahogany and bra and irons like new very reasonable Goluah 92 4th St Apt IB Sowars Claaned 94 h6ur service Sewers Drain Cleaned Electrically jersey Electric sewer cleaners NO DIGGING BE 4 1074 Sewar and Drain (leaned Electrically PARK ELECTRIC UWER CLEANEJUI Na Digrtar Bayonne 8 7159 32ND ST 15 Coxy living room bed room kitchen optional: family or single child accepted All convenience 32ND ST 33 Light houeekeeping room complete kitchen facilitie tnodera bath linen adulto Bay 3 2955 32ND ST 25 Single room kltcbCB privilege Linen heat electric eu piled 32ND ST 153 Complete fnralehed one room kitchenette apartment Rea aonable Bay 3 6563 33RD ST 40 Two 2 room apart ment furnished for light housekeeping refrigeration PONTUC e194 Chieftain Deluxe: oom plate paHect tend one owner: low oUlaare Call after 5 Bay 3 2676 CHEVROLET 1940 door sedan black: radio heater eeatoovto Phono Bsp 3 7909 from 4 to 6 mf i am SAVE ABOUT SO ON ROLL ROO ACTORY SECONDS ISCHER 517 ERRY (Cor Chapel St) Newark ACME ROOING CO Roofing Leader Gutter Repair All work Guaranteed 800 BROADWAY BAY 8 3159 8UNRI8E CONSTRUCTION ROClXGglDhG MOB TO PAY 49lh Al and way hay 7358 SEDKRPLATES HuadalA full line re Urlou erilclS rift book JK tenet Dlopley 483 "ata J08HJ4 SERVICE Bay 8 7448 or Biy 3 3485 urn sunteens hand crocheted full air JYOrV Willtr i 38th st Bay 3 6438 REGINA floor Mlieher Koroeiu therms etet Guaadlaa Seme ranriao ouekere ltea Bar 8 MI1JI attw 3 to Clark Tynlata Stenre Bookkoeoere ete 50 Jnur Su Nert Loew'e Situations emale WOMAN reliable dedrea bouaowork full or part time Can rive best of refer enoes Bay 3 8320 HOME WORK od dreeae embroidery weaving knitting beading cult ng hand or machine ewlng Box 3 Times CARPENTER Cabinet Maker Celotax Cell ing Kitchen Cabinet made to order ormica Tops Recreation Rooms Altera tion PAUL WHITE 114 Greenville Ave: DE 3 4022 ED SUKA CARPENTER and CONTRACTOR 147 10th SI Bay 3 1961 After 5:80 GENERAL CARPENTERING Roofing Sid Ing looring Stairs Inatallatioo GEORGE HALETZKY 153 Ave Bay 3 5927 MECHANICAL ENGINEER or man with MUlvalent experience Some euporvleory experience on maintenance Salary 930 month Central nt Agency 561 Broadway Bayonne 7 8849 OOOKS COUNTERMEN BUSMEN DISH MACHINE OPERATORS 5 Day 40 Hour Week Inc 358 Weal 60th St Oily MEN wanted to learn preeelnr of ladle' end erment by machine Benke 488 Communipaw Ave Jereey City Berten 3 8744 GROCERY CLERK Tonne men expe rtonced etxtd celery Reference re oulred 886 Help Matoemate 9195 S3092 ISO 3092 3092 i WV'J 3093 30B2 tot tbeee sensational value today Goldklang 790 Jfrbtdww RECONDITIONED television mt at very low pricto Inquire about our liberal trade in system on used televiaion set VEE 46Q AVE BAY 3 5891 33rd St 49 Two rooms for light housekeeping Mwly decorated Very reasonable 33RD ST 39 ONE LIGHT HOUSB KEEPING ROOM AND TWO SLEEPING ROOMS 34TH ST 41 Large front room 'with light housekeeping facilities Suitable for busine couple 35TH ST 27 Nicely fur nished modem 3 room apart ment private bath all con veniences 35TH "ST 37 Nicsly furnlahed oom near bath Gentleman preferred Bay 7 8913 35 TH ST 28 Large comfortably fu nlshed room continuous hot water: on bathroom floor BAy 8 71 75 37TH ST 21 Two room apartment wen furnished re frigerator Also sleeping room Bay 3 1124 49ND ST 18 Large double room twin bed kitchen priv extension phone In room Also a single room 54TH ST 85 Two rooms large kitchen separate en trartce To see call Bay 8 8184 Op nortunity to buy house 4XDREW tiT Two nice rooms: hitch en privileges steam heat det waler re frlrerator Bay 80638 BEAUTIUL ROOM girl or woman home atmosphere kitohen privilege meant heatedr SY weekly 79 51st 8t downstairs HUDSON COUNTY PARK SECTION: 3 ROOM URNISHED APARTMENT PHONE BAY 7 5352 BILL WILLIAMS INC NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS TO PAY Nsw Can Under List Price 90 Day Service Policy NEW CARS ip say 1 A ro 60 touch 2 Md 4 De 73000 to liooi eibr LATE USED CARS '49 Buick Super Sedanette I48 Plymouth Coupe 1195 46 Plymouth Dr PRE WAR CARS MARKOWITZ Deliver Sunshine to Your Kitehre HEAVY CHROME TARNISH PROO CHROME KING KITCHEN SETS to $6950 Markowitz Chrome Kitchens 595 AYR 0 NBAB 83BD ST $25 Allowance oh your old living room set regardless condition during our Trade in Sale CASH OR CREDIT MACK URNITURE 462 Avenue Corner 20th OLD CARRIAGES made to look like new! Complete remodeling Bayonne Go Cart Co 605 Bay 3 4604 Clothes Poles Storm Sash BUY th urftxcolled heery aluminum 8 track storm and screen com bination window and door GEDCO 263 Pairmount Ave Del 5 4700 CEDAR CLOTHES POLES MICHALSKIi BAY 3 4233 Coal INDUSTRIAL A AVENUE AT 22nd ST PARK HOTELingieDooble Room Alan Urb Houa itepnine Room 81 Linden St Bay 3 74if NESS COUPLE BAY 74823 WIDOW WILL RENT attractively room next to bath reasonably Business couple or refined lady Bay 3 7918 PIANOS WANTED Hixtieat price HUiuuoidt 8 2U00 Anytime LEWIS PIANOS 190 Custer Ave Newark Xava Riiwlrr SCRAP IRON oveve DuszKO metal rags 82 o5th 61 BAYONNE 3 8519 "bu69WsXL5ffir" 15 Weal 2lt Street Bay 8 4815 VAN Highest price paid men second hand clothing scrap Iron metal rag Delaware 3 4551 or postal 6 Roo Ave Jereey City Bayonne Upholstery UPHOLSTERING and SLIPCOVERS cue tom made Sofa bottom re webbed13: chairs 86 Roosevelt Upholstery Co 338 Bay 8 2284 SLIPCOVERS DRAPERIES UPHOL STERY UPHOLSTERY 847 ALL WORK GUAR BA 3 7085 Venetian Blinds INTERNATIONAL VAN LINE1 Complete moving packing orating stor age service Any point In A 80 day free storage Jeraev City Def 34663: Newark Mitchell 1 3843: New York Cortlandt 7 4609 Oil Burners Printed Stationery MARCH SPECIAL ON STATIONERY! Aft SINGLE SHEETS I Eft YU iQ0 ENVELOPES 1 Printed With Your Warn and Address MookU Printing 1023 B'way: Bay 3 5434 Mortgagee MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES EASY IO PAY LOW INTEREST GRODBEHG A SON 590 Ave Insurance Bay 7 8826 Hudson Typewriter Exchange 16 40th St Phone Bayonne 3 3027 PENGAD dented Ranald Comptometer Banted 846 B'WAT Uor 89th 8t Bay 7 1717 Upholstery CleanGG Tiling infi Plastering TILE BAT 3 I liuMuoa piuiario PHatic Aluminum Celllot and Wall Tile Attention! Load Your Car! Rags Copper Bra Lead Batteries Iron HARRY BLOCK BAY 3 8856 OEUVER 267 AVE NEAR 52nd ST SEWING MACHINES Up to $50 Paid on Old Singer and Other Makes BERGEN 4 4384 OR 1870 HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP IKUN Lolli Sons or pickuu call BaV'jiine 3 8 1904 LEADER BUICK Inc 40TH 8T AT BAY 3 77I6 ay Oowt Maa Wed anfl ri TH 9 OXTIAO 1940 Meat Baden radio end heater (Nd condition Ineulre 45 Wfh St itertalra Bay MST 90KTIAa1937 dM Mdu: eood' hoo Xg: Jo 8 1818 AVE 768 near 63rd 8t: 2 room fur nished apartment Also large sleeping room AVE 40 42 2 vROOM URNISHED APT WITH RERIGERATOR NEWLY DECORATED REASONABLE AVE 473 corner 32nd St light house keeping room private friridaire S9 per week Bay 7 8658 2ND ST (66 Light house keeping and single rooms: hot and cold water reasonable Bay 3 4289 5TH ST 125 Light housekeeping apt next to bath Also double eleepln room Reasonable Bay 6 4658 STH ST 63 NICE LARGE ROOll YOUNG BUSINESS COUPLE BREAK AST I DESIRED 32ND ST 46 Oomforubly funilahed room Special weekly ratoe GeoUemM only Phono Bay 3 7908 28TH STREET 8 EAST urnished room Gentleman only 318T ST 11 2 furnished rooms: one with private kitchen one will kitchen privileges Bay 8 2285 Mt 31ST ST 70 3 beautiful largo oon nectlng room in private home light housekeeping Suitable for buainea couplon1y 31ST ST 130 Nioely fur room prl vate entrance and bath Gentlemao In quire uptair Bay 8 8546 taxes borrow from Tff?) te 1 I I LZk 9k dS I I 11 Ll pep XT Am 2 7 KRAINERT Sander Waxer tor Bent BAY 81720 NEW HARDWOOD LOORS 665 for room 9x13 Old loor acraped rooms 9x12 855d NORDAHL Del 8 8909 LOUIS ROLUNQ loor Scraped Laid and inished Waxing and Carpentry Bay 3 7568 loor Scraper Rented SANDING and edging machine rental ehel lac all floor equipment sold A HARDWARE 887 Ave Cj Bay 7 2216 uel OH JOE DONOVAN KXR0SENE 264 BKOADWAY PHONE BAY 8 8009 urnate Repilra Air Conditioning urnaces Repaired Sheet Metal Roofing Leader RY SAHKER 409 Ave By 3 0936 urniture Reflnlehod A1 urniture Refinlahlng all color Ro pairing remodeling moderate orioea RELIABLE 36p Bway: Bay 8 5156 Gee Heating Replace troubleaome oil burner with modern safe economical gaa unit in kitchen and living room Beating contrac tor tor 13 years SAETY PRODUCTS CO 263 airmount Ave Dal 9 4700 Home improvement Home Repair 38 Mo to Pay ATLANTIC LUMBER A SUPPLY CO and 40th St Bayonne 3 41Q0 Kitchen Modernization CuMombuUt Kitchen Cabinet ormica Sink Top Table replacing old link top with ormica Work guaranteed LAN'S LUMBER MILLWORK CC 7 411 St Bayonne 8 6628 Lionel Train NO miter where you ourahaead yonr Lionel Train or aoceMoriaa too may kora them repaired kero 8BBV1CI STATION AUTHORIZED tJONEL BALM SER IUB 720 BWAY BAY 8 4810 Motor Repairing ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING AND REWINDING JOACHIM 890 BAY 8 6221 Moving and Trucking I I CTATEMovino a transferLLj 1 I urniture and Machinery INSURED STORAGE BAYONNE 8 7889 EMPIRE MOVING A fiTORAGI I no LOCAL a LONG DISTANCE MOVING Separate Storage Room tor th Safekeep ing of Your Houeehold Good 16 18TH 8T BAYONNE 3 440Q ACE MOVERS 9 16TH ST BAYONNE 8 1816 DI ArV'C MOVING and STORAGE DLWIL Hotottae pur Boeuielty IS BAST 23RD ST BAYONNE 3 09I15 Motoroyele tor tala March specials 8 ess? Wcp t0 SO! 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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.