Simple Sauerkraut Recipe (2024)

Simple Sauerkraut Recipe (1)

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #9b9b9b;”] S[/dropcap]o I was very pleasantly surprised with the response to my previous post on fermenting vegetables.

It made me super happy to hear that so many of you are interested in fermentation and put in a request for my sauerkraut recipe.

So today that’s exactly what I have for you.


Simple Sauerkraut Recipe (2)

Simple Sauerkraut

I was never a huge fan of sauerkraut until I started making my own. Being able to control how fermented or ‘funky’ your kraut gets makes a huge difference. If you’re new to fermenting vegetables though I’d really recommend starting with fermented carrots which are much much easier!

This method is called dry brining and when you read through the method it’s hard to imagine it working. I know I always thought that when looking at kraut recipes. It wasn’t until I actually saw Sandor Katz make kraut that I ‘got it’. So I recommend checking out the video as it’s much easier to show you rather than write.

makes 1 medium jar
1/2 head cabbage

1. Day 1. Cut cabbage in half lengthwise and trim the surfaces that were already cut. Remove outer leaves and discard. Finely slice the cabbage as well as you can. I use a knife because I like it rustic. But you could use a mandoline if you want really fine kraut.

2. Place sliced cabbage in a large bowl. Sprinkle with a few generous pinches of fine salt as you go. You want at least 0.5% salt. I just add and mix and taste as I go. When the cabbage tastes slightly salty but still really fresh I leave it at that. (See notes below for more detailed quantities).

3. Massage cabbage with your clean hands. Sandor recommends 10 minutes but I usually do it for a few minutes and then leave it to stand so the salt can work its magic. You want the moisture from the cabbage to come out.

4. Pack the cabbage into a clean glass or ceramic jar. Press down firmly as you go to really release the moisture and pack it as tightly as possible. I like to use the back of a spoon. You want enough liquid to just cover the cabbage. If it looks too dry add a little filtered or boiled and cooled water. But be sparing as water will dilute the final flavour.

5. Seal with the lid and leave on the kitchen bench.

6. Day 2. Open the jar to release any gas buildup. Push the cabbage down to re-submerge. Taste.

7. Day 3+. Repeat as per day 2 and taste again. If the cabbage tastes tangy enough for you, pop it in the fridge and start eating. If not leave it out of the fridge and continue to taste every day until you’re happy. Depending on the temperature and how funky you like your kraut it can take from 3 days to months.

Notes / Variations

Different Veg – I like savoy cabbage but recently made a mix of savoy and red cabbage that was really pretty. Turnips, carrots, apple and cooked spuds can all be added.

Flavourings – I haven’t tried any but celery seeds, curry spices, caraway seeds, or chilli can all be used.

Quantity rule of thumb – 1kg veg will fill a 1L vessel and will need about 0.5% – 1% salt so about 5-10 grams.

If in doubt when tasting – pop it in the fridge because this will slow the fermentation down and you can always pull it back out if you decide later that it’s not strong enough for you.

Different containers – Don’t ferment in metal due to corrosion. Plastics can be OK but I prefer glass or ceramics so you can be certain there are no plastics leaching into the ferment.

Floating veg – you can put a weight to hold down the veg as they tend to float. I usually don’t bother.

Fill levels – Don’t fill to the top due to expansion

Light degrades some nutrients but generally light is OK. It doesn’t need to be in a dark cellar and is better in the kitchen where you won’t forget about them. Plus UV rays from the sun act as a mould inhibitor.

White Mold – just skim and discard they’re not toxic.

Bright Coloured Molds – are toxic – discard the project. But don’t stress about this too much. No one has died from eating fermented vegetables.

Video Recipe

Or view video recipe over here.

With love,
Jules x
Simple Sauerkraut Recipe (4) Simple Sauerkraut Recipe (5) Simple Sauerkraut Recipe (6)

ps. I’ve also recently uploaded a video for making fermented carrots (much easier than kraut!). It’s available over here.


  • Hi, Jules,

    This time I couldn’t hold on sharing a recipe of sauerkraut that we make in Lithuania :)
    Process is basically the same (but traditionally we make bigger amount at once for bigger family or relatives, ferment it in one large container and put everything into separate jars later on), but besides the salt we add equal amount of white sugar and then the magic – a bit of cranberries and grated carrots and caraway seeds. After around 4 days the result is crunchy and savory sauerkraut which is divine when stewed.

    P.S.: thank you for the love for food you share, it is very inspiring :)

    Best wishes and good look with your new cookbook

    • Thanks for sharing your Lithuanian kraut Ingrida.
      I bet it looks beautiful with the cranberries

  • Great!
    I am so looking forward to trying my first batch…
    You have simplified this process into concise instructions that I can follow to start fermenting my own veggies. Thank you for sharing.
    I am so glad, I signed up to your feed. Best regards, Yolette

    • Wonderful Yolette!
      Enjoy :)

  • Yum! I started some green beans and carrots this past weekend, and have been enjoying them as a snack. I never liked pickles, so I was leery of fermenting other vegetables for a long time, but I’m definitely on the bandwagon now!

  • That was one of the best videos Jules! It sounded like Fergal was cheering you on in the background, so sweet!
    Thank you for the recipe, I have been looking forward to this one!

    • Glad you liked it Mish!
      I’m a bit out of practice with video as it’s hard to get the house quite enough…

  • Love this video. So lovely to hear little Fergal in the background!

    • Glad you liked it Jade!
      He’s getting more and more vocal all the time :)

  • I’ve been making Jalapeno Pepper hot sauce using the fermentation method for a few yrs. now & it’s really good. Here is the recipe from the site I got it from. I also have made Dill pickles in a 5 gal crock before. My Grandparents recipe. They turned out fantastic, but if I pass on this recipe, I’ll have to wack ya…lol…maybe another time.

    • sounds amazing.. thanks Ed!

  • I suffer terribly at night from leg cramps. Some herbal medicine sites suggest that the magnesium in sauerkraut may help. I will try it and see. I might even get some sleep!
    I make beer from fermented stinging nettles . That works too!
    A combination of the two with a meal should definitely put me to sleep. LOL.

    • Dark chocolate is also great for magnesium (and avoiding cramps) Bob!

    • I recently learned to dissolve 1/2 cup epsom salts in 1 cup warm water, put in about a 12 oz spray bottle and finish filling with water. Be sure to use spring or distilled water, not from a city water supply. Spray any part of your body that hurts or cramps and restless legs. The magnesium is the trick. Actually stopped my back spasms when I catch it in time otherwise an ice pack is the fastest thing for that.
      Good Luck

      • Thx for sharing Katie

    • You might find that wearing socks in bed helps, Bob. I did.

  • My mother taught me to make sauerkraut with vinegar. I love it.

    • The problem with using vinegar Anneke it you don’t allow the bacteria to grow so miss out on the probiotic benefits…
      But if you’re enjoying it and eating more cabbage… that’s still helpful

  • Can’t leave a recipe alone so I came up with this one that serves two purposes!

    One cabbage, around 1 kG Slice coarsely or finely as you wish.
    Steep in almost boiling water with 1kG sugar. IE 50/50. You could add some spices of your choice but not too many or too much yet.

    Let stand until the mixture cools to around 20 degrees C .Once cooled add 3 to 5 gm wine yeast . Wine yeast (available on the internet at around Au$2.50) works over a greater temperature range than brewers yeast and there is less affected by weather changes . Cover in a stainless steel or inert plastic drum as used for home brewing. Leave for several days, again depending on weather until the mix does not taste overly sweet, or you get a
    hygrometer and follow the instructions. I don’t bother.

    Now the interesting part. Separate the liquid from the cabbage. You can simply put this in a container for flat stuff or ,with the addition of 5gm sugar to a standard 750 ml bottle, decant into bottles, cap and leave for a secondary fermentation which will give you fizzy cabbage beer!

    Now the cabbage . This is when you add the spices of your choice add salt to taste and pack into glass or inert plastic containers with just enough fluid to cover the leaves. Do not use metal containers as the salt will corrode the metal.
    Make sure that you release any gas that forms each day so yo don’t get your house covered in fermented cabbage!!

    Now after a suitable time, depending on how anxious you are. This can be served up at your next Suarez and while the Husbands are out on the veranda swilling cabbage beer, the ladies are inside complaining about their men getting drunk, while they slowly get tipsy on alcoholic sauerkraut. Just make sure you take everyones car keys!!

    • Thanks for sharing Bob :)

  • This was such a great video, and easy to follow. I have become inspired to drive to the store and make this recipe right now! My family loves the stuff and it’s a ferment I have yet to tackle. Thanks for sharing!

    • Wonderful Emily!
      Enjoy your kraut :)

  • Tks so much for the sauerkraut recipe. I just made my first lot, and I had an idea that you might like, whilst trying to squash it down into the jar: instead of using a spoon, which is awkward to get flat, I used a potato masher, and that worked really well, as you can push it down hard, and it strains the water up to the top. Cheers, Janina :)

    • Brilliant!

  • Hi thanks for the recipe – just thought i’d add that apparently the dark outer leaves actually have a much higher level of the bacteria you need than the inner ones, so better to include them. :)

    • Interesting Tjoni

  • Thanks heaps for your delightfully easy recipe! Just cut 5kgs of fresh cabbage out of my garden, can hardly wait for it to be ready! Having several gut and mental health issues it has been recommended to me that i up the ferments :) fingers crossed

    • Awesome Meg! Lucky you having home grown cabbage :)

  • Total beginner . Thank you for your ‘ I can do this ‘ recipe.
    I will watch and wait.

  • Great recipe and video. Helped me tremendously as this is my first attempt to make sauerkraut with our recently harvested red cabbages. My jars bit smaller opening so used end of my rolling pin to help squash down the cabbage in the jars.

  • So easy, I must try this quite soon. Also, thanks to your commenter Ingrida for her version, sounds lush! Now over to look at the carrot recipe, looks like I shall soon have a very colourful pantry to share with my family ;-) -Michelle G, Derbyshire, UK

  • Thank you for including the video on how to ferment sauerkraut! I love seeing visuals to help guide through the process, it makes it so much easier! Can’t wait to try this recipe at home.

    • Thanks for the feedback Billy. Videos are a lot of work so glad you like them :)

  • Thank you very much for these pickling recipes, Jules. You make things so simple!

    • You’re welcome Magdalen!

  • Nothing better, we made ours in a crock. Put a plate on top and a stone to keep pressure on it.

    • Great Patti!

Comments are closed.

Simple Sauerkraut Recipe (2024)


What can be added to sauerkraut to make it taste better? ›

Ten Delicious Kraut Additions
  1. Juniper Berries. Small and dark, these little raisin-sized berries pack a flavor punch. ...
  2. Beets. Peeled and grated or thinly sliced, even a tiny bit of beet stains the whole ferment fuchsia. ...
  3. Ginger. ...
  4. Lemon Peel. ...
  5. Dill. ...
  6. Caraway Seed. ...
  7. Fennel. ...
  8. Celery Root (celeriac)

How to make sauerkraut step by step? ›

  1. Prepare cabbage: Discard outer leaves, then rinse heads under cold water and drain. ...
  2. Salt cabbage: Layer cabbage with salt in large mixing container. ...
  3. Pack container: Using clean hands or optional tamper, pack a handful of the cabbage into the fermenting container(s). ...
  4. Ferment: ...
  5. Store: ...
  6. Enjoy!

What is the shortest time to ferment sauerkraut? ›

Store the container at 70°–75°F (21°–23°C) while fermenting. At these temperatures, sauerkraut will be fully fermented in about three to four weeks; at 60°–65°F (15°–18°C), fermentation may take six weeks. Below 60°F (15°C), sauerkraut may not ferment.

What is the ratio of salt to cabbage for sauerkraut? ›

Weigh the cabbage, then calculate the amount of salt you'll need based on that. You want 2% salt by weight, so 20 grams of salt for every kilogram of cabbage, or roughly one tablespoon of Diamond Crystal kosher salt per pound of cabbage.

Should I add vinegar to my sauerkraut? ›

No need to add any vinegar! Salt alone preserves sour cabbage very well. I add 1/4 cup of shredded carrot for colour. Sometimes, I add a laurel leaf and 1/2 teaspoon of caraway seeds.

Why do you put vinegar in sauerkraut? ›

Vinegar is an acidic medium commonly used in commercial pickles, sauerkraut and condiments to give the final product a sour, tangy flavor.

Does sauerkraut need brine? ›

Two things preserve the sauerkraut - the salt and the fermentation. If the sauerkraut gets dry I can't imagine that it would taste as good… and it may well spoil. If you're just keeping it a week or two it shouldn't matter, but sauerkraut preserved in its brine will easily keep 6 months, probably longer.

What is the most essential step of making sauerkraut? ›

To make sauerkraut, shredded cabbage is mixed with salt and allowed to ferment. The amount of salt added is critical to assuring food safety, and should not be adjusted. Fermentation takes three to six weeks depending on the air temperature. During this time, the acidity in the product will increase.

What is the easiest fermented food to make? ›

Sauerkraut is one of the simplest fermented foods to make. It only contains two ingredients – cabbage and salt – although sometimes caraway seeds are added too. To make sauerkraut, all you have to do is shred your cabbage, cover it with salt, and mix around.

How do you know when homemade sauerkraut is ready? ›

The rule of thumb when it comes to sauerkraut is to just keep tasting the sauerkraut until the taste is to your liking. The sauerkraut itself should be safe to eat at every stage of the process, so there is no real 'fermentation time'.

Why does sauerkraut only last 3 days? ›

Proper sauerkraut is not cooked, it is fermented. It will last until it gets moldy, which may be months. If you are talking about the stuff from a can or a bottle, it will only last a few days unless you refrigerate it. This also applies to pickles.

How long does homemade sauerkraut last? ›

Personally, we eat our krauts within a month of opening them, but refrigerated sauerkraut has a pretty stable lifetime, lasting about 4-6 months after it is first opened.

What happens if you use too much salt when making sauerkraut? ›

Canning or pickling salt draws out the cabbage juice so it can be fermented. Using too little salt not only softens the cabbage but also yields a product lacking in flavor. Too much salt delays the natural fermentation process. For every 5 pounds of shredded cabbage, mix in 3 tablespoons of canning salt.

What kind of salt is best for sauerkraut? ›

Try fine sea salt, or Diamond Crystal Kosher salt. The Spices - spices are used for flavour, and they can also help to slow mould growth. Caraway seeds are popular in traditional Polish sauerkraut making.

What kind of salt should I use to make sauerkraut? ›

Sea salt works well, or rock salt. Watch out for the salt labelled 'pickling salt', it often has anti-caking agents in it which can negatively affect your fermentation. If you're not sure, read the ingredients, there should just be one! A fine grind of salt is required for this type of pickling.

How do you make store bought sauerkraut taste better? ›

There is so much room to add flavor to sauerkraut. Add chopped bacon or ground meat of any variety. Bacon fat and fats from other sources pair perfectly with this food. If the mixture becomes dry, add a bit of water to the pan.

How do you make sauerkraut taste less sour? ›

Another way to balance out the tartness in sauerkraut is to add spices and herbs. Garlic, dill, caraway seeds, and juniper berries are all popular spices for sauerkraut. These ingredients can help mask the sour flavor and add complexity to the dish, making it more enjoyable to eat.

Is it better for you to eat sauerkraut cold or cooked Why? ›

One important issue to remember is that cooking sauerkraut will kill off the probiotic bacteria that we want to consume. Even after cooking, sauerkraut is a healthy, cabbage-based dish, but it will be missing out on that probiotic boost. So, when possible, try to add your sauerkraut to your dishes uncooked.

Does more salt make sauerkraut more sour? ›

If you use this low an amount, it's imperative to ferment on the cool side.) The more salt, the slower the fermentation and the more acidic your sauerkraut. Use too much salt, though, and you'll inhibit fermentation. The lower end of the salt range produces a sauerkraut with more crunch.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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