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VOL. 122, NO. 20 THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014 SINGLE COPY PRICE: $1.25

Inside this issue:Local: School Board: Sports:City partners with MADC togo ‘Green.’ Page 2

Greer departs, looks back ontime in district. Page 3

Track team wins invite.Page 12

Geiger Counter . . . . . . . . 9Dining Guide. . . . . . . . . 1 1Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Governor visitsThird- and fourth-graders at Elm Lawn had a special visitor last month.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker stopped by and talked to approximately200 students about state government for more than 45 minutes. Local el-ementary schools complete a unit on local and state government each yearin the spring, and Elm Lawn has always tried to find someone to visit andaddress students when the unit is completed. Among those who attendedwere superintendent Don Johnson and board of education members BobGreen and Anne Bauer.

“The governor did a great job,” said Perry Hibner, the Middleton-CrossPlains Area School District’s media relations specialist. “He even said af-terwards how impressed he was with the level of knowledge our studentshad about local and state government.’’

Town filing for intervenerstatus in response to ATC’slatest power line application

The Middleton Town Board votedlast week to file for intervenor status inthe Badger Coulee power line casepending before the Wisconsin PublicService Commission (PSC).

The board acted in response to thePSC deeming the construction applica-tion submitted last fall by American

Transmission Co. (ATC) and Xcel En-ergy complete, starting the six-monthregulatory review process.

“This gives us a seat at the table,”said deputy town clerk Sara Ludtke.“We don’t have to participate but wecan.”

If approved, the proposed 345-kilo-volt line would extend from the LaCrosse area to the Cardinal substationin the town on Willow Ln. along US14. The line’s cost is estimated at $514million to $552 million depending onthe route the PSC selects.

ATC and Xcel have said the linewould bring power into the state that isgenerated west of Wisconsin, improvesystem reliability and provide futureenergy cost savings for consumers.

The line’s opponents have said theline is not needed and would adversely

impact existing property values anddeter development.

The town board has remained silentwhile other municipalities in the pro-posed line’s path have publically op-posed its construction or have askedthe PSC to review alternative proposalsto building a line and conduct a morethorough cost/benefit analysis of theproject.

Town administrator David Shawsaid the town board has not consideredresolutions opposing the project to beuseful.

“Their effectiveness is zilch. It maybe great for the board to say, ‘we’vedone this,’ but ATC and the PSC don’trecognize it. If we were able to blockthings by passing resolutions then there



Town wants ‘seat atthe table’ in debateover $500 millionpower line project...

See ATC, page 8

Keeping kids safeThe Middleton Police Depart-

ment hosted a kickoff news con-ference Monday for this year’sSafe Communities Madison-DaneCounty Slow Down Watch forKids campaign. The event tookplace in front of Northside Ele-mentary School.

Above, Middleton Police Offi-cer Donald Mueller speaks aboutthe importance of watching outfor kids while behind the wheel.

At left, Madison and Middletonofficers hold up a Slow Downcampaign sign. Signs are availableto the public, free of charge, at theMiddleton Police Station.

See MOVIE, page 5Photos by Jeff Martin

Photo contributed

Movie to honorfallen officers

In 1962, President John F. Kennedysigned a proclamation designating May15 as Peace Officers Memorial Dayand the week in which that date falls asPolice Week; a time to give specialrecognition to law enforcement officerswho have lost their lives in the line ofduty for the safety and protection of

Proceeds to be given to NationalLaw Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund & WisconsinConcerns of Police Survivors

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The City of Middleton and the Mid-dleton Area Development Corporation(MADC) recently unveiled their pro-gram for economic and community de-velopment under the thematic bannerof “Green for Growth, Green for Fun.”

The components of the program in-clude the “high quality” infrastructureMiddleton offers, available loan fundsfrom MADC, and the “extraordinarylifestyle and recreational assets of theMiddleton area,” according to a jointpress release.

“The components of the programhave been in place for some time,” saidmayor Kurt Sonnentag. “The City andMADC have just completed an onlinebrochure and print ad under the newtheme. The program now has a distinctidentity that reflects the community aswe continue to grow.”

The brochure is available as a PDFat as an e-publication The full-page adappears in the Madison Region Eco-nomic Partnership (MadREP) print

publication, which has recently pub-lished. This new annual glossy publi-cation with digital version and websitewill publish on an annual basis.

“MADC can provide ‘green’ in theform of financial assistance to busi-nesses moving to, or expanding inMiddleton,” said Kevin Mahaney, vicepresident and business relationshipmanager at State Bank of Cross Plainsand president of MADC.

Sale of the former RotoZip propertyfor $2,000,000 capitalized MADC.Over the years, MADC has leveragedthose funds in loans to the several busi-nesses or owners of the real estate ofthose businesses. MADC is now worthover $3.9 million and has $2,500,000available to lend.

Also, the City of Middleton createdTax Incremental Financing District 3(TID 3) in 1993. In the original 1993TIF District 3 Project Plan, the basevalue of the TIF district was listed as$34.1 million. At the time, projectedexpenses were $15.8 million, with pro-jected new development of $44.9 mil-lion.

To date, the city has spent approxi-


City teams up withMADC, unveils‘Green for Growth,Green for Fun’

Jazz Tracs 2014, Middleton HighSchool’s annual festival concert, willbe held Friday, May 16, at 7:30 p.m. inMiddleton High School’s PerformingArts Center.

The concert will feature a band thatis a staple in the Madison Club Scene,the Jimmys.

The concert will include great per-formances by both of Middleton’saward-winning big bands. Music byNestico, Goodwin and Ellington are allon the program.

The guest band is Madison’s ownblues Powerhouse, The Jimmys.

“2011WAMI Best Keyboardist”Jimmy Voegeli brings his vocal andcompositional talents to the forefrontof the band. Supported by blues iconPerry Weber (guitar) and Rock andRoll drumming legend Mauro Magel-lan (Georgia Satellites) the band wouldseem complete, but fan favorite JohnnyWartenweiler rounds out this all-starrhythm section on bass.

The Jimmys sound comes from thehorn section led by Pete Ross (alto sax)and Darren Sterud (trombone) withChad Whittinghill (trumpet) and BryanHusk (bari/tenor sax). These four mu-

sicians have shared the stage withClyde Stubblefield “The OriginalFunky Drummer”, BB King, RoscoeMitchell, The Glenn Miller Orchestra,Davina and the Vagabonds, PinetopPerkins and Trombone Shorty.

Tickets can be purchased from anyMHS Jazz Ensemble musician or at theMiddleton Community Bank, 3207Parmenter Street, Middleton. Ticketsare $8 in advance, $10 at the door foradults and $5 in advance, $7 at the doorfor students. For more information orto reserve tickets, interested personscan call 608-829-9679.

Jimmys will play Jazz Tracs stage

See GREEN, page 6

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MHS was named the best highschool in Wisconsin by U.S. News &World Reports, according to a storyposted on the magazine’s website.

U.S. News reviewed 31,242 publichigh schools and 114 Wisconsinschools made the rankings. The onlyother Dane County school to make thestate’s top 10 was Verona, whichplaced sixth. MHS ranked 399th na-tionally.

“Congratulations to Middleton HighSchool for being rated the No. 1 highschool in Wisconsin by U.S. News andWorld Report,’’ Superintendent DonJohnson said. “Thanks to the outstand-ing faculty, staff, and administration atMHS. It takes everyone to make a greatschool. I would be remiss to not ac-knowledge all of the elementary andmiddle school faculty, staff, and ad-ministration who also prepare our stu-dents entering the high school as well.

“This is great news and reason tocelebrate exemplary students and par-ents, too. It definitely takes a commu-nity to achieve excellence.’’

MHS was one of two schools in thestate to receive a gold medal from U.S.

News, with the other Ronald WilsonReagan College Preparatory HighSchool in Milwaukee. Thirty-two stateschools received silver medals and 80were awarded bronze medals.

The MHS student-to-teacher ratio of16:1 was near the Wisconsin average,while MHS scored above the state av-erage in college readiness, math profi-ciency and reading proficiency. MHSalso received high marks for having 59percent of the student body participatein Advanced Placement.

Check out the MHS overview on theU.S. News website. There are also tabs

for student body and test score infor-mation.

“For the past decade the staff ofMiddleton High School has workedtirelessly to make our school mission areality and to reach our ultimate goalof high levels of learning for all! stu-dents,’’ MHS principal Denise Her-rmann said. “Today we were named theNo. 1 high school in the state of Wis-consin by U.S. News & World Reportand I cannot imagine a group of educa-tors who are more deserving of suchrecognition. We are a ‘lighthouse’ highschool.’’

Jim Greer announced in March hewas leaving his seat on the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District’sboard of education.!

Greer told the board he had acceptedan offer from his employer that re-quired him and his family to transfer toDallas, Tex.

His retirement from the board tookeffect immediately, and the Greershave already resettled in the Lone StarState: !The board is currently lookingto fill the empty seat.! The district hasrun announcements in the MiddletonTimes-Tribune and News-Sickle-Arrowwith a May 14 deadline. ! They will in-terview candidates on May 21 before aboard meeting.! The person the boardchooses will be appointed by a vote

and sworn in at ameeting. !

Greer joinedthe board in 2010and won re-elec-tion in his areawith more than90 percent of thevote in 2013.The term he re-signed from ex-pires in2016. !Greer is now focusing his careerin the private sector.

“I have been a consultant for a cou-ple of years for AT&T in Wisconsin,”Greer explained.! “Now I have taken adifferent role within the company andthey are headquartered here in Dallas.”

Greer joined the board in a time ofstrife.! He saw the transition the districtwent through following the Act 10 leg-

islation that prohibits public unionsfrom collective bargaining.! He waspart of the fiery debate on the firingand re-hiring of a Glacier Creek Mid-dle School teacher for inappropriateuse of a school email account.! He waspart of the effort in the school expan-sion construction.

“Given the upheaval over the lastfew years, I think that the board didmanage to get a lot done,” Greer notes.“You see that with the constructionprojects that are going on.”

He opines the district handled thechange in state laws relatively well.Middleton is one of the shrinking num-ber of districts that still have a contractwith a teachers union. !

“It is sort of a time of change forpublic education in the state, given Act10,”!the former board member said.! “Ithink the district has weathered it pretty

well.”Greer says he didn’t always agree

with everyone on the board, but ulti-mately respected all other membersand their views.

“There were times when I didn’tenjoy it necessarily, but you shouldn’tin that sort of service,” Greer recol-lects.! “I think generally everyone thatI worked with on the board careddeeply about the kids and wanted whatwas best for them and that is whatdrove their decision-making.”

Greer says he will keep tabs on whatis happening in the district. That said,he says he is starting a new life in Dal-las. !

“I don’t really have a lot of familyin Madison ... and the job opportunityis that good, and the economy downhere is growing like crazy,” Greer said.Those factors, he said, are what com-

pelled him to make the move, but headmits there are other advantages, aswell.!

“Given the weather this winter,being down here will be a nice perktoo,” he added.

Greer says he is confident thenewly-elected board members, as wellas the coming appointees, will be agood fit for the district, because theywill have good models.

“I found when I came on the boardthey do a very nice job of bringing youonboard and up to speed,”!Greer ex-plained.! “Some complex things likeschool funding in Wisconsin take a lit-tle longer to understand, but there is agood leadership core there that reallyhelps you get in the swing of things.”

Greer says he did his time on theschool board and has no plans to runfor a seat in Dallas, or anywhere else.He adds, however, that one neverknows where will they will end up.


BBOARDOARD OFOF EEDUCATIONDUCATIONGreer departs for Dallas, reflects on time with school boardby CAMERON BREN



MHS named best in the stateU.S. News & World Reportsranked Middleton HighSchool first in Wisconsinand 399th nationally

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In the past five years (2009-2013),26 babies have died in Dane Countyfrom Sudden Unexpected Infant Death,and 22 of those died in unsafe sleep en-vironments.

To support families in keeping theirbabies safe, the Dane County SafeSleep Initiative launched a Sleep Safecampaign the first week of May.

Sudden unexpected infant death, orSUID, is the third leading cause ofdeath for babies in Dane County.!Thecause of these deaths is not known untilafter a thorough investigation. Investi-gations show that the vast majority—over 80%—of SUID deaths in DaneCounty since 2011 were due to unsafesleep conditions that lead to babies ac-cidentally suffocating or strangling intheir sleep.

“In response to concerning infantdeath data for Dane County, one of ourgoals with the Safe Sleep Initiative wasto develop an evidence-based, clear,

Sheriff David Mahoney is pleased towelcome eleven new deputies to theDane County Sheriff’s Office.

The group, including Joshua Korb,age 25, of Middleton, was sworn-in ata 9 a.m. ceremony on Monday, May12th at the Public Safety Building in

Madison.Dane County Sheriff’s deputies start

with a 25-week training program toprepare them for their law enforcementcareers. Their first assignment will bein the Dane County Jail, where theywill serve a two-year probationary pe-

riod. The positions became available due

to retirements and vacancies that oc-curred in the past year. The DaneCounty Sheriff’s Office continually re-cruits for deputy and civilian positionsto fill vacancies as they occur. Appli-cations can be found online Women and mi-norities are encouraged to apply.


DDANEANE CCOUNTYOUNTYCounty moves forward with $2 million grant for domestic violence victims

The county is moving forward onplans to award a $2 million grant toDomestic Abuse Intervention Servicesof Dane County (DAIS) to help com-plete construction of a new facility fordomestic violence victims on Madi-son’s north side, Dane County Execu-tive Joe Parisi announced today. Parisifirst announced the grant last year as amajor initiative in his 2014 budget pro-posal.

A vote to approve the $2 milliongrant could be approved as early as theCounty Board’s meeting tonight,Thursday, May 15.

“A tremendous community efforthas helped make the dream of thismuch-needed safe haven for survivorsof domestic violence and their familiesa reality,” said Parisi. “Being a part of

this effort has been a true honor. Work-ing together, we all have an opportu-nity to provide a beacon of hope forsurvivors of domestic violence, and ul-timately, to prevent domestic violencefrom happening in Dane County.”

Domestic Abuse Intervention Serv-ices (DAIS) has been conducting amulti-million dollar capital campaignfor the last two years to raise funds forthe construction and operation of a fa-cility on Fordem Avenue in Madison.

Dane County is home to more than500,000 residents and DAIS runs thecounty’s only shelter for victims of do-mestic violence and their children. Theexisting shelter is the smallest domesticviolence shelter per capita in the entirestate of Wisconsin.

Despite these challenges, DAIS has

continued to expand its programs andpartnerships, serving thousands ofwomen, children, and men in DaneCounty each year as they work towardssafety.

The new facility will be four-timesbigger than the current domestic vio-lence shelter and help survivors gettheir lives back on track and protectthem from homelessness and furtherviolence.

DAIS’ capital campaign will con-tinue after construction of their facilityis complete to help fund the additionalprogramming, staff, and outreach nec-essary to meet the growing needs ofsurvivors of domestic violence in ourcommunity.

The organization’s campaign hashelped raise awareness of domestic

abuse in Dane County, which has inturn increased the need for the servicesDAIS provides.

“All of us at DAIS are incrediblygrateful for the support of the construc-tion of this project by County Execu-tive Parisi and the Dane CountyBoard,” said Shannon Barry, ExecutiveDirector of DAIS. “In January we an-nounced that we were just a ‘MillionMiles From Home,’ meaning we had$1,000,000 left to raise to support ourexpanded program operations beforedoors open in August. We’ve madesignificant progress but still have dol-lars to raise. By meeting this goal wewill open the doors with a strong finan-cial position and increased capacity toserve Dane County.”

A resolution authorizing the grant

award was introduced at the Thursday,May 2 meeting of the Dane CountyBoard by Supervisor Maureen Mc-Carville. McCarville also serves on thecounty’s Commission on SensitiveCrimes.

“I am so proud that once again DaneCounty has stepped up to the plate toprotect and assist the most vulnerableand defenseless citizens in our commu-nities,” said McCarville. “Victims ofdomestic abuse will now have a safehaven that will provide them immedi-ate shelter and hope for a future free offurther abuse. The tremendous amountof hard work and dedication that hasgone into this project will undoubtedlyand positively impact victims’ lives.”

Dave Mahoney announces bid for another term as Dane County SheriffDane County Sheriff Dave Ma-

honey, who was overwhelminglyelected to a second term in 2010 with71 percent of the vote, has announcedhe is seeking re-election this Novem-ber 2014.

“Working together, we’ve improved

public safety, cracked down ondrunken driving, and eliminated over-crowding in the jail,” Mahoney said.“But there is more to be done. We mustfind cost-effective ways to adequatelyand humanely house inmates withmental illness in our jail and we must

continue to work with all partners tocombat the ever-increasing, deadlyheroin and opiate epidemic.”

Mahoney also said he’ll continue tofocus on “implementing improvementsthroughout the Sheriff’s Department toensure we are responsibly managing

tax-dollars and that our deputies havethe training and skills they need as wemeet new and growing challenges.”

More than 700 residents in commu-nities around Dane County have signedSheriff Mahoney’s nomination papersto put his name on the ballot. “It is an

honor and privilege to serve DaneCounty as Sheriff and I look forward tocontinuing to earn the people’s trustand confidence every day,” Sheriff Ma-honey said.

Korb joins Dane County Sheriff’s Office County launches campaignto prevent infant deaths

See DEATHS, page 5

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consistent county-wide infant safesleep message to be used by all,” saidNan Peterson, RN, MS, Co-chair of theDane County Safe Sleep Initiative andDirector of Child Health Advocacy atAmerican Family Children’s Hospital.“We are focused on helping the fami-lies in our communities modify riskfactors that can lead to an infant’sdeath. We need the collective impact ofeveryone to promote infant health.”

To give babies the safest sleep envi-ronment, the American Academy ofPediatrics recommends the following:

1.) Put baby to sleep on his or herback alone in a crib, Pack-in-Play®, orbassinette;

2.) Give baby a firm mattress andkeep the sleep environment free from

pillows, blankets, and soft toys;3.) Share the room, but not the bed

(or couch or chair); give baby his or herown sleeping space;

4.) Breastfeed exclusively for thefirst six months and avoid exposure totobacco smoke

“Parents want what is best for theirchildren: They want to protect their ba-bies. This includes breastfeeding,sleeping near their baby, and being ableto respond when their baby wakes,”said Daniel Stattelman-Scanlan, Co-chair of the Safe Sleep Initiative andPublic Health Nursing Manager withPublic Health Madison and DaneCounty.! “We fully support these

healthy behaviors and plan to workwith caregivers to show how they canbe combined with a safe sleep environ-ment.”

The Dane County Safe Sleep Initia-tive formed in October 2012.! Mem-bers from over 40 community-basedgroups have worked together to de-velop a countywide infant safe sleepprogram. The Sleep Safe, Sleep Wellcampaign is one part of this effort, andwas developed in cooperation with rep-resentatives from diverse communitiesin Dane County.

For more information on the SafeSleep Initiative!


CCITYITY CCOUNCILOUNCILCity council works to hone five-year road improvement plan

City officials discussed a five-yearstreet improvement plan at last week’sCommon Council meeting. While con-sidering recommendations from thePlan Commission, Public Works, andFinance Committee, the Council dis-cussed various options for enhancingMiddleton’s roads.

Among other changes, the five-yearplan proposes a four-laning of PleasantView Road from Blackhawk Road toHighway 14.

As Public Works’ intent to prioritizeHigh Road/Park Street reconstructionwould bump Mendota Ave. repairs(originally slated for 2016) into 2017,citizens expressed their concern aboutfurther delaying Mendota Ave. con-

struction.“I definitely don’t want to see this

reconstruction pushed to 2017,” saidEvan Wing. “We urged the City tomake it a point to put in speed bumpson Mendota.”

Residents in the Mendota Ave. arealamented the potential dangers of con-tinuously delaying road repairs. In-creased traffic on Mendota Ave.resulting from rush hour periods andballgames posed a significant concernfor local families.

“People use Mendota Ave. as ashortcut during peak traffic hours,”noted Rebecca Zambrano. “Despite thetraffic, there’s no crossing guard in thisarea.”

Following the public comment ses-sion, Council members deliberated thepossibility of repairing both HighRoad/Park Street and Mendota Ave. in

2016. When considering this possibil-ity, the Council delved in a conversa-tion about the process for getting aMiddleton road fixed.

“There are different categories ofroads which help form budget re-quests,” stated city engineer ShawnStauske. “These categories help deter-mine which roads take priority in get-ting repaired.”

Whether or not Mendota and HighRoad/Park Street can be reconstructedsimultaneously boils down to an issueof funding.

“We’re going to need to allocate alot of money up front to redo all ofthese terrible roads,” said Hans Hilbert(Dist. 7). “We need alternate fundingsources.”

Some Council members worried thatTuesday’s conversation contained a lotof talk and lack of action.

“We can’t just say that we are goingto pursue the possibility of alternatefunding sources,” added Jim Wexler(Dist. 4). “How do you tell the peopleliving on Mendota Ave. that they arebeing bypassed again. We need to offerthem something more.”

Following discussion, the Councilopted to approve the proposed 5-yearstreet improvement plan, but to also in-clude Mendota Ave. as part of the 2016plan. Additionally, the Council voted toencourage the Finance Committee toexplore additional funding streams forroad construction.

Other decisions made by the Com-mon Council at last week’s meeting:

- Blake Theisen with Schreiber An-derson Associates presented on theCity Wide Trail Way finding project.

The project includes installing signsalong Middleton trails to direct trailusers to various attractions. PRFC ap-proved $7,500 in match park develop-ment funds for this design. TheTourism Commission is providing upto $15,000 for the project.

- A bid in an amount not to exceed$3,030,869.70 was awarded to Ray-mond P. Caettel, Inc. for the TerraceAve. reconstruction.

- Approval to develop a financial pro-forma regarding the City of Middletontaking over the Middleton RecreationYouth Basketball Program Proposalprogram. The proforma is to be pre-sented to the Finance Committee attheir June 3 meeting.



DEATHS continued from page 4MOVIE continued from page 1

others.On Monday, May 19, 2014, the Mid-

dleton Police Department is honored topartner with Modern City Entertain-ment to present “Heroes Behind TheBadge: Sacrifice & Survival,” a full-length documentary film featuring har-rowing stories of fallen officers andfocusing on incredibly inspiring storiesof those who have been critically in-jured in the line of duty and have sur-vived against all odds. !Heroes BehindThe Badge: Sacrifice & Survival notonly tells the stories of brave officerswho have laid down their lives in theline of duty, but also stories of thecountless officers each year who arephysically disabled, many of them per-manently, in violent confrontations.

The film will be shown at the Mid-dleton Performing Arts Center, 2100Bristol Street in Middleton at 7:00pm.Doors will open at 5:30pm and light re-freshments will be available forfree. !The event is open to the public,

and law enforcement officers and fam-ily and friends of officers are all en-couraged to attend. !Advance ticketsare available for a donation of $15 or at the doorfor $20. !Proceeds from the event, aswell as any tax-deductible donationsmade during this event, will be givento the National Law Enforcement Of-ficers Memorial Fund( and the Wis-consin Concerns of Police Survivors(

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May is Skin Cancer Detection andPrevention Month, but for Pete Daly,he’s been aware of skin cancer everyday since his birthday in September2002 when he was diagnosed withStage 3 melanoma. He was told that hehad a 50/50 chance of surviving fiveyears, but Pete (an electrical engineer),and his medical team, put up a fight forhis life. And today, 12 years later, he’sstill fighting, but he’s a changed man.

Pete calls Dr. Mark Albertini, M.D.,Associate Professor of Medicine, Divi-

sion of Hematology/Oncology, at theUniversity of Wisconsin, the Captainof the medical team that has been help-ing him through treatment and the var-ious experimental trials he’sparticipated in through the National In-stitutes of Health in the past 12 years.“I consider myself very lucky,” saidPete. “I was in the right place at theright time with the right team.”

Skin cancer is the most commonform of cancer in the United States.More than 3.5 million skin cancers in

over two million people are diagnosedannually, according to the Skin Cancer

Foundation. And the American Cancer



SSTATETATE GGOVERNMENTOVERNMENTWill senator hand over unredacted Act 10 emails?

The Wisconsin Court of Appeals(District II) has sided with the Wiscon-sin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL)on behalf of the MacIver Institute andBrian Fraley against State Senator JonErpenbach (D-Middleton).

The decision reverses a lower courtruling from Grant County and requiresthe senator to turn over un-redactedcopies of emails he received from othergovernment employees and officialsregarding the passage of Act 10.

MacIver made an open records re-quest seeking all correspondence “re-garding the subject of changes toWisconsin’s collective bargaining lawsfor public employees” received or sentbetween January 1, 2011 and March23, 2011.

Erpenbach produced thousands ofemails but blacked-out the identity ofthe senders and their email addresses.

When MacIver asked for versions of

emails from government email ad-dresses without those email addressesredacted, the senator refused and liti-gation ensued.

The Court of Appeals ruled Erpen-bach’s refusal violated the OpenRecords Law. It first rejected his con-tention that as a state senator, he couldwithhold what he called “constituentcommunications” from records re-quests with impunity: “Erpenbach hasidentified no difference in how ourlaws treat policy-related correspon-dence to legislators and how it treatssimilar correspondence to any otherelected state officials.”

Rick Esenberg, president and gen-eral counsel of WILL, explained, “thecourt made clear that the legislaturemust live by the open records just likeevery other unit of state and local gov-ernment.”

Addressing MacIver’s particular re-quest, the court concluded public pol-icy weighed in favor of releasing theemails without redacting the identitiesof their senders.

“ P u b l i cawareness of‘who’ is attempt-ing to influencepublic policy isessential for ef-fective oversightof our govern-ment,” wrote thecourt. “For ex-ample, if a per-son or group ofpersons who hasplayed a signifi-cant role in an elected official’s elec-tion—by way of campaigncontributions or other support—con-tacts a lawmaker in favor of or opposedto proposed legislation, knowledge ofthat information is in the public inter-est; perhaps even more so if the personor group also stands to benefit from oris at risk of being harmed by the legis-lation. Disclosure of information iden-tifying the sender may assist inrevealing such a connection.”

After the ruling, Erpenbach said he

was unsure whether he would appeal.“The only TRUE job of an elected

official is to defend the ConstitutionalRights of the people they were electedto represent,” said Erpenbach.

“The Senate rules clearly say I canprotect the privacy of the citizens ofthis state that contact my office,” hecontinued. “The Wisconsin OpenRecords law also states I can protectthe rights of citizens over special inter-est groups. I will never regret standingup for the Constitutional rights of peo-ple to contact their elected leaders. Ifwe do not preserve the voice of indi-vidual people then we give all of thepower in this state to those that can buythe best lobbyist.”

“I will have to weigh all of my legaloptions before I make a final decisionon requesting a review by the Wiscon-sin Supreme Court,” Erpenbach con-cluded. “The issue becomes, is itpossible to do a cost benefit analysis onthe Constitutional rights of the citizensof this state?”

The MacIver Institute issued a state-ment praising the court’s decision.

“Today is a win for transparency ingovernment and the taxpayers of Wis-consin,” said Brett Healy, president ofthe MacIver Institute. “The Court ofAppeals has agreed with the MacIverInstitute that Senator Erpenbach cannotcarve out a special exemption to theopen records law for whomever hechooses or try to hide public informa-tion when he works for Wisconsin tax-payers. Government employees andtheir unions should not be given acloak of anonymity to hide their at-tempts to influence the legislativeprocess. Today’s decision requiresthem to play by the same rules aseveryone else.”

“We couldn’t have asked for astronger opinion from the court,”agreed Tom Kamenick, associate coun-sel at WILL. “This is a major step for-ward for open and honest governmentin Wisconsin.”



A guide to National Museum Day in the Good Neighbor CityTo celebrate International Museum

Day on Saturday, May 17, both Mid-dleton’s historical museums, the Row-ley House Museum and the Museum atthe Depot, will be open from 10 a.m. -4 p.m.

The Rowley House museum is lo-cated at 7410 Hubbard Avenue indowntown Middleton, next door toCity Hall.! Normal hours are from 1-4p.m. on Tuesdays and Saturdays, fromMid-April to Mid-October (or by ap-

pointment). ! Visit the Rowley House to view the

newly remodeled kitchen.! New light-ing and new displays are being de-signed to give the kitchen a brighterand airier feel and also provide moreinformation about our artifacts. Alongwith the kitchen, the bathroom near theback door has been remodeled.

The Museum at the Depot! is locatedat 1811 Parmenter St. in downtownMiddleton, in the train depot housed by

Middleton Tourism.! This museum isopen when the Middleton Tourism of-fice is open weekdays.

The Museum at the Depot is also un-veiling its newest display, a World WarII exhibition, made up of period mem-orabilia and specifically focused on theroles played by Middleton residents inthe war. The Depot itself is a historicsite, built in 1856 as an active passen-ger station until 1960 and a freightdepot until 1975. Now it serves as

home to the museum, a welcome cen-ter and the Middleton Tourism Com-mission. Visitors will also have thechance to see the Depot’s newly reno-vated interior.

The Rowley House Museum, builtin 1868, was originally the home of fa-mous Middleton resident, Dr. NewmanRowley. The building is on the Na-tional Register of Historic Places andhouses one of the Midwest’s largestand most comprehensive displays of

Depression Glass. It also features Na-tive American artifacts form the area,19th century medical equipment, turn-of-the-century toys and photos of earlyMiddleton.

Admission to each museum is freebut donations are welcomed and appre-ciated.

For more about these and other his-torical sites in Middleton, log on to

mately $65 million, and created morethan $624 million in new value. That’sa lot of “green.”

Green for Fun Middleton offers ap-proximately 500 acres of active parksites, including a splash pad and skatepark. The city also boasts a comprehen-sive system of recreational trails for bi-

cyclists, runners and walkers. ThePleasant View Golf Course and Bau-man Aquatic Center are open to thepublic. In addition, Middleton contains820 acres of conservancy lands - ap-proximately 14 percent of the City’stotal land area - including the PheasantBranch Conservancy.


GREEN continued from page 2

See CANCER, page 8

May is Skin Cancer Detection Month

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MHS senior Eden Girma hasbeen! named a U.S. PresidentialScholar.

She was one of 141 high schoolseniors to receive the honor. Twoother students from Wisconsin werealso honored - Sam Schendel ofJanesville Parker and Kelsee York ofMuskego.

“The extraordinary young men andwomen being honored for the 50th an-niversary of the Presidential Scholars

have excelled in their educational,artistic and civic pursuits,’’ U.S. Sec-retary of Education Arne Duncan said.“They show all of us that when stu-dents challenge themselves and com-mit themselves to excellence, theresults can be astounding.

“These scholars will help move ourcountry forward and will have a last-ing impact on their families, commu-nities, and on our society. Theyrepresent the potential of all young cit-izens to lift up America.”

The ceremony to honor Girma andthe other recipients will be held onJune 22 in Washington, D.C. Eachhonoree will receive a PresidentialScholar Medallion.

“For the past 50 years, this awardhas been considered one of the na-

tion’s highest honors for graduatinghigh school seniors,” State Superin-tendent Tony Evers said. “PresidentialScholar recognition is the result ofhard work and support from parentsand teachers. Congratulations to thesestudents and the teachers they consid-ered influential in their lives. It meansa great deal for students to receive thisaward and for teachers to have a stu-dent appreciate their efforts to helpthem learn.”

For more on the announcement anda list of all of the winners, please visitthe! U.S. Department of Educationwebsite.

Girma was one of 565 students toadvance to the final round of the 2014U.S. Presidential Scholars competi-tion in April.!More than 3,900 stu-

dents qualified for the 2014awards.!Nearly 4 million high schoolseniors were eligible for the award.Application was by invitation only.

Girma, who listed MHS band direc-tor Brad Schneider as her most influ-ential teacher, was one of about 60students who were identified throughtheir participation in the YoungARTSprogram, sponsored by the NationalFoundation for the Advancement ofthe Arts.

Schneider and the educators will re-ceive Teacher Recognition Awardsfrom the U.S. Department of Educa-tion.

For a list of the 565 semifinalists,please visit the!Presidential Scholarswebsite.!Only nine Wisconsin studentsadvanced to the finals. Girma was the

only student in Dane County to ad-vance to the final stage.

The other state semifinalists wereWaukesha Catholic Memorial’s Bre-anna Aldred; Brookfield Academy’sEmily Esser and William McCarty;and Whitefish Bay’s Elizabeth Kar-ron, Madeline Saviano and WentongZhang.

The program was established in1964 to recognized the nation’s mostdistinguished high school seniors. In1979, the program was extended torecognize students who demonstrateexceptional talent in the visual, cre-ative and performing arts.!More than6,000 students have been named aU.S. Presidential Scholar since theprogram’s inception.


Ripp brings storytime to classrooms across the worldWhat if a student in Wisconsin could

share his or her thoughts on a bookbeing read in class with another studentin Singapore reading the same book?

While global collaboration is adream for many teachers, they oftendon’t know where to start. This waswhat Pernille Ripp, a fifth gradeteacher at West Middleton ElementarySchool, was thinking when she cameup with the idea for the Global ReadAloud. Through this project, Mrs. Rippis bringing storytime to classroomsaround the world.

The message behind her program issimple: one book to connect the world.Educators and students engage withpeers abroad - all at the cost of a bookand an Internet connection. !

Established in 2010, the six week

program kicks off in the fall (October6th is the start date this year). Teacherscan choose one of the four selectedbooks to read aloud to their classes.During this time, students are encour-aged to make global connections bysharing assigned projects and havingconversations with other studentsaround the world in a digital space.

“The most amazing thing about theGlobal Read Aloud are the passionateprojects that stem from it,” says Mrs.Ripp. “Students have presented to theircommunities, their school boards, andeven at national conferences highlight-ing the work they have done with theGlobal Read Aloud. !Meaningful con-nections have blossomed into year longcollaborations between different cul-tures all through this project. The sheer

vastness of ideas blossoming from thisnever ceases to inspire me.”

Initially, Mrs. Ripp was unsure howto use technology to bridge the distancebetween this international communityshe wanted to create. When shetweeted her idea and received enthusi-astic support from people wanting tosign up immediately, she knew she wasonto something. Since that first tweet,technology has played an invaluablerole in the project’s success.

One of the tech tools Mrs. Ripp usesto advance her program is Edmodo, afree, K-12 social learning platformconnecting over 34 million teachersand students worldwide. For Mrs.Ripp’s project, Edmodo serves as a col-laboration hub for project participants- both teachers and students alike.

Once a teacher signs up on Edmodo,they can connect with other teachers inthe Global Read Aloud and share les-son plans and other ideas around theselected book.

“Edmodo is simple and easy to usemaking it the go-to location for teach-ers to connect,” she says. “The abilityto create private class groups makeseven those teachers who are skepticalof social media feel comfortable bring-ing their students online and formingconnections with other teachers. With-out it, I’m not quite sure how we couldscale a program of this nature and cap-ture the inventive discussions takingplace.”

Since inception, the Global ReadAloud has grown to include more than140,000 teachers and students from

around the world, inspiring over200,000 connections. The project istruly global, with representation inover 30 countries on six continents.With every year, the project grows.Mrs. Ripp is delighted to see how theproject has engendered a supportive in-ternational community of passionatereaders.

“This is meant to make the world alittle smaller, to open our eyes to therest of the world and look at all of ourshared experiences,” she says. “Howphenomenal for a child to know thatthe same book they are reading is beingread in classrooms across the world.”

Editor’s note: Mariana Kosturos, ofEdmodo Public Relations, assistedwith the preceding article.

Eden Girma named United States Presidential Scholar

Griswold earns FFA scholarshipThe Wisconsin FFA Foundation an-

nounced its 2014 scholarship recipi-ents, and Middleton High Schoolstudent Sara Griswold was selected toreceive the Equity Cooperative Live-stock Sales Association scholarship.

The Foundation awarded $31,800total to 42 FFA members from acrossthe state in educational support to Wis-consin FFA members pursuing postsec-ondary education.

Griswold is a senior at MiddletonHigh School. She is partially enrolledat Waunakee High School to take agri-culture courses and be involved withWaunakee FFA, because Middleton

doesn’t have an agriculture program.She will be attending the University ofWisconsin - Madison this fall to studyDairy Science and Life Science Com-munications.

Griswold will be recognized at theWisconsin FFA Convention in June.All foundation scholarships areawarded to seniors in high school orstudents currently enrolled in a univer-sity or technical school. Awardees aremembers in good standing of the Wis-consin Association of FFA and havemaintained a satisfactory scholasticrecord.

All scholarships were awardedthrough annual contributions and en-dowed funds donated by companies,industry organizations and individualsupporters, all of which share theFoundation’s passion for agricultureeducation and leadership development.

To impact FFA members’ lives bydonating a scholarship or sponsoringa different award area, please call608-831-5058 or visit and follow the“Partnership Options” link at the leftand then click the “Special Projects”button.

MHS junior Sydney Lee, far right, washonored for winning the CongressionalArt Competition at a reception at theVerona Area Public Library on Thursday,April 24. She received her honor fromCongressman Mark Pocan, right, whor*presents the Second District in Wiscon-isn. Each member of Congress sponsorsthe award for their congressional district.

Her award-winning artwork is a self-portrait drawing created with Prismacolorcolored pencils. She created the drawingin the fall of this school year as part of anindependent study art project with MHSart teacher Bob Elland.

She will have her artwork put on dis-play in the U.S. Capitol in WashingtonD.C. for an entire year.

Lee wins Congressional Art award

U.S. Secretary of Education calls accom-plishments of Eden and140 other students in thecountry ‘astounding’

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would be no power lines built,” Shawsaid.

ATC and Xcel have proposed bring-ing the line into the town from eitherthe north or the west. The boardviewed backing either proposal wouldfavor some property owners over oth-ers, which board members cited lastyear as a reason not to become moreinvolved in the route selection process.

Recently intervenor applicationshave been submitted by the, CitizensUtility Board, Dane County, town ofHolland in La Crosse County, Save

Our Unique Lands, the Isaac WaltonLeague of American, EnvironmentalLaw & Policy Center, other clean en-ergy groups, and individuals.

The town board budgeted funding tointervene in the case, an amountLudtke could not specify Tuesdaymorning.

The PSC has six months to completean environmental review of the project,decide if there is a public need for itand pick a route. The PSC can petitiona circuit court for a six-month exten-sion for those decisions. The PSC re-

ceived a six-month extension beforeapproving ATC’s West Middleton-Rockdale power line project in June2009.

In other action the board:

- approved spending up to $235,000to chip seal 10.2 miles of 35 townroads this summer;

- approved spending up to $22,000to correct drainage problems in the Val-ley Woods Court area.


May 18-24, 2014 is National Emer-gency Medical Services (EMS) Week,in honor of the dedicated EMS profes-sionals who serve citizens every day.According to a press release by theU.S. Department of Health and HumanServices, over 36 million people re-ceived treatment from EMS profes-sionals in 2013.

If you were one of them, you have a

sense of the challenging work thesem*n and women perform, and an ap-preciation for the care they provided.Less than 10 percent of the U.S. popu-lation receives out-of-hospital medicalcare from EMS each year; therefore,most have little idea of the sophistica-tion of our country’s EMS system.

EMS agencies work closely withother emergency response agencies –including police, fire, and 9-1-1 publicsafety communications – to providerapid medical care and safe transporta-tion to those who are ill or injured.

They also play a significant role in ournation’s response to natural and man-made disasters. If you are involved ina car accident, house fire, experience amedical emergency, or are evacuated toan emergency shelter, you will likelyfind yourself being cared for by one ofthese highly-trained professionals. Formedical conditions, Paramedics canprovide most of the initial and subse-quent treatments that an emergency de-partment would. For traumatic injuries,their primary responsibility is to imme-diately perform interventions that cor-

rect life-threatening conditions andthen provide rapid transportation to thehospital for definitive care, while man-aging the patient’s pain.

The clinical sophistication of EMScan only be utilized once the underly-ing cause(s) of the patient’s conditionhas been determined. That process be-gins during the 9-1-1 call-takingprocess and is continued by the Para-medics at the patient’s side. Sometimesit is simple to identify the cause of theproblem, but other times, even with allof their skill and diagnostic equipment,

it can be difficult. Because many con-ditions are difficult to diagnose withouthaving access to an individual’s med-ical history, additional information pro-vided to EMS can enable them toperform life-saving interventions morerapidly, which will positively impactthe patient’s outcome.

If you have the opportunity thisweek, thank a Paramedic for the vitalservice that they provide to the public.If you would like, you can post a noteon the Middleton EMS Facebook wallfor EMS providers to see.

Society notes that each year there aremore new cases of skin cancer than acombined incidence of cancers of thebreast, prostate, lung and colon.

Pete’s support team included thepeople at Gilda’s Club in Middleton.Pete heard about the club right aboutthe time he was first diagnosed. He wasa volunteer for the Center for PatientPartnerships and people from Gilda’sClub contacted him about helping themdevelop some programming. “Then Ijoined a support group,” he remem-bers. “Like many others who connectat Gilda’s Club, I wanted to reach outto others who could relate to my life. Ibelieve well over half the people there,go there to help others (and help them-selves along the way). Perhaps I canoffer someone a hint or two. Suggestothers to talk with. Encourage them tokeep going. We’re going down thatstream together, whether we like it ornot.”

For Pete, the diagnosis led to a dra-matic turnaround in his life. He lovedhis engineering job, but felt it was time

to give back. He is a huge proponent ofpatient advocacy, for Gilda’s Club andalso enjoys a monthly melanoma lunchgroup. You can also find Pete as acrossing guard near Randall School atthe corner of Grant and MonroeStreets. “Each day I find ways to giveback to others who have given so muchto me, and the connections you makeare really all the matters.”

Pete was diagnosed with melanoma,which accounts for less than five per-cent of skin cancer cases, but the vastmajority of skin cancer deaths, accord-ing to the American Cancer Society.It’s also important to note that of theseven most common cancers in theU.S., melanoma is the only one whoseincidence is increasing. Between 2000and 2009, incidence climbed 1.9 per-cent annually (National Cancer Insti-tute).

Some researchers say over 90 per-cent of skin cancers are caused by thesun’s ultraviolet rays (UVR), so it maybe time to get smart about avoiding ex-cessive sun exposure.

Give thanks to local EMS workers next week

ATC continued from page 1CANCER continued from page 6

May 18-24 will be National EMS Week

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As a Middleton resident, it’s prettyeasy to see what some city departmentsdo for you, just by looking around.Public lands, recreation and forestrybring your family clean parks, safeplayground equipment and well-main-tained trails. The utilities departmentensures you have clean water each timeyou turn on the faucet and the policedepartment and fire district keep youand your loved ones safe. But whatabout the Middleton Tourism Commis-sion? What does it do for you?

Start by knowing where the tourismcommission gets its funding: hotelroom tax. Middleton has seven roomtax-paying hotel properties. In 2013,they raised a total of $1.6 million,thanks to very healthy occupancy ratesin the city which continue to steadilyimprove. Room tax collection in thefirst quarter of 2014 is already up 19%compared to last year. Of the total, thetourism commission receives 70%, but30% goes back to the city of Middle-ton, a significant and important contri-bution to its budget, helping to ensureresidents continue to receive top-notchcity services.

The biggest goal of the tourismcommission is perhaps the most obvi-ous: attracting overnight visitors,“tourists.” It accomplishes this taskthrough a strategic marketing plan thatincludes a modern, mobile-friendlywebsite, an easy-to-use travel planningapp, high-energy television commer-cials (appealing to likely visitors inareas like northern Illinois and the

Twin Cities), print ads and a robust so-cial media campaign that boasts nearly10,000 Facebook fans and hundreds ofTwitter and Pinterest followers. Thetourism commission also partners withthe Greater Madison Convention &Visitors Bureau, the Madison AreaSports Commission and the sales staffof local hotels to attract top tier eventsto the area.

The tourism commission’s latestprojects include the addition of adowntown weekday evening trolley torun between shopping areas and restau-rants and the installation of wayfindingsigns on local trails, directing folks tonearby local businesses via QR codes.Two more ways the commission isworking to make Middleton invitingand convenient for travelers, while si-multaneously benefiting local resi-dents.

The more the word spreads about allMiddleton has to offer, the more visi-tors make their way to the city. Be-cause these tourists look just like yourfriends and neighbors, you may noteven realize the tremendous and posi-tive impact their presence has on Mid-dleton. They buy gas from the cornerstation, shop and sustain the stores inthe heart of downtown, splurge on de-licious dinners at local restaurants andspend the night in the hotels that payroom tax back to the tourism commis-sion so it can do it all over again. Whenyou count the workers of all thosestores, restaurants and hotels, you canstart to see the big pictures of howtourism sustains hundreds of jobs andplays a vital role in the city’s successwith its truly significant economic im-pact.

But it doesn’t stop there. The direc-tor of the tourism commission alsoplans and plants the downtown planterswith CDA funds and public lands staff.The commission provides storage forthe city’s holiday decorations andfunds the marketing and advertising for

Middleton’s annual Good NeighborFestival, ensuring it gets bigger andbetter every year.

You can help too! When you travel,tell folks where you’re from and letthem know about everything Middle-ton has to offer. Share great news about

the city through social media outletslike Facebook and Twitter. And when-ever possible, buy locally to supportyour neighbors and their businesses.

To see the Middleton Tourism Com-mission’s work in action, log on to


Having a Cow

When your wife is very pregnant,comparing her to a cow won’t makeher feel any better. At least, that’s whatthe doctor told me.

In my defense, I grew up on a farm.Most of my prior experiences withpregnancy and delivery took place oncarpets of straw, in old barns imbibedwith the saccharin odor of silage andcobwebs. Little, bovine lives seemed tobegin only in the dead of night, likesome arcane ritual when the world waspalpably different and every dark shapewas malleable and less resistant to yourimagination’s whims.

My dad would rouse me from bed,leading me out across the chilly,crunchy gravel yard and down to a stallwhere a cow would stand, sometimessit. She would strain her leatheryflanks, emitting a low, huffing sound asa gangly, mewing calf emerged from

deep within her, plopping into theworld.

Those were magical nights, whenthe looming threat of school and classwork, of bullies and girls, of horrific,reconstituted chicken nuggets allmelted away. I felt like I lived on an-other planet, or perhaps in anothertime, as I watched the steam rise froma baby cow like the wispy tenacity oflife incarnate.

It always made the banalities andworries of everyday life seem remoteand undaunting.

While my wife was pregnant overthe course of this very long winter fromwhich we are just emerging, I keptthinking back. As she grew, I com-forted myself by thinking of those latenights in the maternity barn. Humanbirth couldn’t be that different, I rea-soned. And if those little creatures –dropped onto the ground with a thud-ding lack of ceremony, could survive,then my baby (and maybe even myself)had to at least stand a chance, I rea-soned.

The more I thought about it, the bet-ter I felt. I remembered that in thehayloft above me on those nights, a

motley herd of barn cats were curledup around their various, soggy, blindlitters. Some made their way onto theroof of our house, then scratched andtore at the screen on the second floorwindow to my bedroom, demandingentry. I would groggily acquiesce,flinging the window open and return-ing to bed. Sometimes, as thanks formy kindness, I would be greeted in themorning by a brand new litter of kit-tens, crawling around in a shoebox oron a blanket at the foot of the bed.

I found these memories comforting,and made a point of saying so on ourrecent trips to the doctor’s office. Butmy comments, observations andqueries seemed to have the opposite ef-fect on our doctor, making him increas-ingly uncomfortable.

“Cows get that!” I offered cheerilywhen he warned that nursing motherssometimes develop an infection calledmastitis. “They get that in their ud-ders.”

“Sometimes calves try to come outthat way,” I chimed in with a knowingsmile when the doctor advised us aboutbreach births. “My dad usually reachedin and tried to turn them around, orused a chain to pull them out.”

When the doctor said the first fewdays can be stressful, I nodded inagreement. “Yup, that’s when the coy-otes are most likely to strike.”

“Don’t worry,” I added reassuringly.“Our house is predator-proof.”

The doctor continued to monitor mywife’s physical condition, and that ofour unborn daughter. And I couldn’t

help but notice that he seemed to bekeeping a close eye on my mentalhealth as well.

He eventually suggested that I keepmy mouth closed for the remainder ofthe pregnancy. This seemed harsh, butI persevered by reminding myself that,unlike my wife, I could still drink beerand eat cold cuts and fish.

(He also left open a gaping loopholewhen he failed to add any prohibitionon writing.)

When our daughter was finally born,my course of treatment ended. I wasonce again free to speak my mind. Itwas ironic, because for the first time inmy life I felt utterly inarticulate.

Something about my little girl’sbreath rendered me utterly speechless.I don’t mean to insult my friends, but Igenerally think of breath as an unpleas-ant balladeer that goes around compos-ing songs about various unsavorydeeds that happened earlier in the day,most of them involving onions or hum-mus. So when I held our daughter upto my face and she unleashed a dra-matic yawn, I was struck by a smellboth foreign and comforting. It camefrom a mouth that has never smoked acigarette, never drank a cheap beer,never sworn or said a harsh word tosomeone in anger. It’s a mouth that hasnever complained about the horrors ofbeing middle class, never munched onjunk food, never been pursed tight inanger or swung ajar in sorrow. It hasnever lied, never complained about theweather on a perfectly nice day, andnever sighed in boredom when there

were literally millions of brilliantthings to see and do in the world.

My wife and I have a long-runningjoke about how comically insufferableparents are. Get a beer or a glass ofwine in them, and out pops this annoy-ing speech that always starts out with,“Until you have a child…”. They are,we’ve always been fairly certain, suf-fering from an acute case of Stockholmsyndrome, fumbling around for just theright words to explain why their cap-tors are so great.

But now I kind of understand whatthey were trying to tell me:

Hadley Geiger makes all my priorjoys and victories seem petty, mundaneand inconsequential. Until a few weeksago, my proudest moments were a re-ally long keg-stand I did in college, thetime I spelled the word “necessarily”correctly without the assistance ofspellcheck, and the time I finished TheBrothers Karamazov and had a vagueidea who roughly half of the characterswere. But with most of my achieve-ments, there was always a lingeringsmidgen of doubt. The idea that my ac-tions were, at best, morally ambiguous.

Now I know I’ve done somethinggood.

And that makes me feel a familiarkind of awe. A sensation I hadn’t expe-rienced in a quarter century. One thatmakes tomorrow’s obligations andworries feel distant and unreal. It’s thefeeling I used to get when I stood on abed of hay in a little stall, late at night,and waited for something amazing tohappen.

by Matt Geiger, Editor


by VAL STEELMiddleton Tourism Director

City’s tourism department benefits local citizens

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The Citizens’ Academy met for theirfifth session on Wednesday, April 30,at the Middleton Police Department tolearn about two very important, verydifferent aspects of a police officer’sjob.

Recently promoted Captain StevenBritt kicked off the class by discussingthe job duty with the highest percent-age of contact with citizens: traffic en-forcement. Traffic enforcementencompasses a range of scenarios, fromtraffic stops and accident investigationsto pursuits and field sobriety testing.

According to the FBI, 15% of offi-cers feloniously killed in the line ofduty are killed during vehicle contact

or pursuits. As officer safety duringtraffic stops is obviously a high con-cern, Captain Britt spent a great deal oftime addressing the correct way to stopand approach a vehicle. In a fewweeks, when the Citizens’ Academystudents receive in-depth, hands-ontraining with emergency vehicle oper-ation, Captain Britt’s tips and tacticswill come in handy.

Following Captain Britt’s presenta-tion, Sergeant Scott Moen and OfficerRich O’Connor took over the class todiscuss a less common, but extremelyimportant police duty: active shooterresponse. In a nutshell, an activeshooter situation involves one or moresubjects with a weapon in a target-richenvironment with the objective of massmurder.

With the number of active shooterincidents in the news lately, it’s impor-tant to know how to respond if you findyourself in one of these situations. Theold response to active shooter scenariosinvolved traditional lockdowns. How-ever, the Federal Emergency Manage-

ment Agency, or FEMA, now encour-ages the “Run, Hide, Fight” response:run if you can, hide if you can’t run,and fight if you absolutely must.

After learning about the correct po-lice and civilian responses to an activeshooter scenario, students were chal-lenged with putting this new knowl-edge into action. Various Middletonlaw enforcement professionals enactedscenes, while the students had to usetheir discretion to decide whether ornot to use force against the individualsinvolved.

It’s safe to say that after this week,students became gravely aware of thedifficulties that police officers face ona regular basis while serving their city.

Check back each week to see the lat-est from the Citizens’ Academy.

CCITIZENSITIZENS AACADEMYCADEMYStudents learn about traffic stops, active shooter responses




Part of an ongoing seriescovering the MiddletonPolice Department Citizens Academy

Above right: Captain Brittdemonstrates field sobriety testingto the class.

Right: Students use their discre-tion when responding to staged ac-tive shooter responses.

Photos by Alissa Pfeiffer

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Choral Concert tonight at the PACThe Middleton High School Choral Program Spring Concert will be held on Thursday, May 15 beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Middleton Performing

Arts Center, 2100 Bristol Street.! The concert is free and open to the public.! The evening’s concert will feature the Concert Choir, Cantus, the CardinaleChorale, The Chamber Singers and Bristol Street, the student a capella group.

The theme selected for the evening’s performance will explore the beauty of the earth, the promise of loving relationships and experiences beyondour time here.!!! The Cardinal Chorale will perform the American folk song Go Way from My Window and Goin’ Up to Glory; Cantus will perform theIrish Folk Song Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye, and Things Shall Never Die; the Concert Choir will perform Margaurite, a Newfoundland folk song, Afternoonon a Hill, and Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal.! The Chamber Singers will continue the theme of love, life and beyond with All Creatures are MerryMinded and The Road Home.

It is apropos for this year’s final concert focusing on love, life and beyond to include a special senior recognition and send-off as another school yearcomes to a close.!!! The Middleton High School Choral Program is under the direction of Mr. Tom Mielke and accompanied by Mrs. Sarah Stine.! Re-freshments will be served at intermission.

Photo contributed

The next Conservancy Days event is“A better home for Northern Pike.” Itwill take place today, May 15 from 2-4 p.m.

Meet on Marina Drive in Middleton,on the north side of Century Avenuejust east of Allen Blvd. The guides willbe Jens Jensen and Aaron Steber ofCardno JFNew. Children willing towalk up to two miles are welcome.

RSVP appreciated but not requiredto 608-767-2394 or [emailprotected].

Enjoy a field trip to learn more aboutwildlife habitat management. In 2011,restoration experts from CardnoJFNew assisted the City of Middletonto create Northern Pike spawning habi-tat in the Conservancy. The goal was tocreate shallow, seasonally floodedspawning habitat in the floodplain ofPheasant Branch Creek, which eventu-ally drains into Lake Mendota. North-ern Pike from Lake Mendota canmigrate to these spawning areas duringthe spring to lay eggs. Then, the areasprovide a safe haven for small fry togrow before re-entering the lake.Cardno JFNew worked to improve thestream habitat for Northern Pike. Erod-ing stream banks were leaving fewplaces for fish to hide, eat and rest inthe stream. Our guides will show ushow habitat was re-built in the stream,why it is important for the fish, and thedifference it has made so far. Dress forthe weather. There may be up to twomiles of walking, though you couldjoin us for just part and walk less.

A BetterHome forNorthernPike...

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VERONA — In less than amonth, Middleton’s boys golfershope to find themselves at UniversityRidge.

That’s where the WIAA Division1 state tournament is held.

If the Cardinals make it through arigorous postseason and navigatetheir way to state, look out.

Middleton showed the rest of thestate exactly that last Wednesday andThursday. The Cardinals shot alights-out 598 and rolled to a 41-shotvictory at the Morgan StanleyShootout.

Cardinals senior Josh Haunty shota 1-over-par 145 over the two-dayevent to earn medalist honors.Middleton sophom*ore Brady Thomascarded a 149 and tied for second.

The win helped Middleton jumpto No. 2 in the latest Golf CoachesAssociation of Wisconsin poll.

“This win gives us the confidencethat we can play well at the venuewhere it matters most,” saidCardinals senior and No. 1 golferJosh Haunty. “But none of that mat-ters if we don't get through our toughsectional.”

That’s true.But the decisive victory and sen-

sational score should give theCardinals plenty of confidence mov-ing forward.

The state tournament moved to

University Ridge in 1994. In the 20years since, the lowest two-day scoreposted was a 595, while a 598 —which Middleton shot at the MorganStanley — is the third-lowest ever.

If the Cardinals can earn a trip to

state — and come close to that num-ber again — they’ll undoubtedly bein the hunt for a state title.

“I think this win gives us a bunchof confidence,” said Middleton soph-omore Brady Thomas. “We all know

how to play the course, but also scorewell which is a huge boost to ourconfidence.”

The Cardinals’ confidence should

TOWN OF MERTON — IsaacMezera celebrated his 37th birthdaylast Thursday. And after talking atlength about what a blast 36 was,Middleton’s boys track and fieldcoach said, “I can’t wait to see whatsurprises 37 has in store.”

It didn’t take long.Middleton went to the Myhrum

Invitational hosted by HartlandArrowhead last Friday and gave amemorable performance.

Not only did the Cardinals win thestar-studded 16-team invite, theydominated it.

Middleton won the boys title with125.75 points. Host Arrowhead wassecond (68.0), Green Bay Preble (60)was third, while Mount Horeb, Fonddu Lac and Mukwonago (59) all tiedfor fourth.

In a year where the Cardinals havebecome a dominant force, this mighthave been their best effort yet.

“We saw winning Myrhum as agood indicator of where we are as ateam,” Mezera said. “I thought it waspossible, but I had no idea we wouldwin by such a large margin.! Thisspeaks volumes of what we are capa-ble of at the end of the season.”

The Cardinals accomplished plentylast Friday.

On a night of highs, perhaps themost impressive performance camefrom Middleton’s 800-meter relayteam. The quartet of! Noah Meeteer,Zach Easton, Nnamdi Okoli, and


Making astatement

Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Middleton pole vaulter Parker Johnson helped the Cardinals win the Myhrum Invite last Friday.

Middleton’s boystrack team winsMyhrum Inviteby ROB REISCHEL


See BOYS TRACK, page 24

Foreshadowing?Boys golfers shineat U-Ridge, homeof state tourney by ROB REISCHEL


See GOLFERS, page 18

HangingaroundBaseball Cardsstill in hunt forBig Eight crownby ROB REISCHEL


See BASEBALL, page 19

Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Middleton golf coach Tom Cabalka (left) and standout Brady Thomas liked what they saw last week.

Tom Schmitt talked about playingspoiler.

About throwing a wrench intosomeone else’s season.

Perhaps Middleton’s manager wasa bit premature.

Before the Cardinals hammeredvisiting Janesville Parker, 7-1, lastSaturday, Schmitt didn’t think histeam stood much of a chance at stillwinning the Big Eight Conference.And perhaps that will wind up beingthe case.

But after defeating the Vikings, theCardinals still have hope.

Both Parker and Sun Prairie leadthe league with 10-1 records, whileMiddleton is third at 9-3. But SunPrairie and Parker still play each othertwice, and Middleton hosts SunPrairie May 22.

So while the Cardinals need a lot ofthings to break just right, their winover previously unbeaten Parker kepttheir slim conference title hopes alive.

“It was a lot of fun,” saidMiddleton manager Tom Schmitt,whose team improved to 12-4.“Especially after what they did to usdown there.”

That’s for sure.Back on April 16, Parker routed

Middleton, 13-0. But the Cardinalscertainly got their payback in the

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SUN PRAIRIE — Middletongirls softball coach CherieHellenbrand knew there would beadversity at some point this spring.

In a two-month season packedwith 22 games, there’s plenty ofopportunity for difficulty.

But after taking some lumps lastweek, Hellenbrand remains opti-mistic her team has what it takes tobattle back.

Middleton dropped two of threegames and slipped into a third placetie in the Big Eight Conference.

Middleton defeated JanesvilleCraig, 11-7, last Tuesday. But theCardinals fell to Sun Prairie, 8-7, lastWednesday and dropped a 3-0 gameto Madison La Follette last Thursday.

Middleton is now 11-7 overall and9-5 in the Big Eight Conference.

“As the season goes on we talkabout never getting too high or toolow,” Hellenbrand said. “You alsoreally learn about yourself whenfaced with letdowns.!

“I am proud of how they haveresponded. This team is a hard work-ing, fight until the end, no matterwhat type of attitude.”

Here’s a recap of the Cardinals’week:

• Middleton 11, Janesville Craig7 — The Cardinals raced to an 8-1lead after three innings, then held onfor dear life last Tuesday.

Middleton’s Rachel Everson andBianca Bockwinkel both homered.The Cardinals also got two hits fromKatie Fermanich, Abby Henke,Everson and Bockwinkel.

Middleton still held an 11-3 leadheading to the seventh inning, whenthe Cougars struck for four runs. Butthe Cardinals escaped.

“It got a little too close there,”Hellenbrand said. “It should havenever been that close.”

• Sun Prairie 8, Middleton 7 —Middleton held a 7-6 lead heading tothe bottom of the seventh inning. ButSun Prairie won it when Middletonstarter Ashley Stormer walked in thewinning run.

Stormer was ahead 1-2 in thecount to Sun Prairie’s NikkiThornton, but threw three straightballs. The final two were highly ques-tionable.

“I’m really mad,” Hellenbrandsaid afterwards. “But sometimesthings don’t go your way.”

The game was a continuation of acontest that began May 1, but waspostponed due to rain. So Middletoncarried a 4-2 lead into the game thatresumed in the second inning.

Middleton scored a run in the topof the second when Fermanich dou-bled and later came home on an error.But Sun Prairie erupted for four runsoff of Stormer in the bottom of thesecond to take a 6-5 lead.

It stayed that way until the sixthwhen Middleton scored twice.Fermanich led off with a single, andscored when Darby Raffel laid downa perfect sacrifice bunt that the SunPrairie catcher threw down the line inright field.

Raffel later scored on an RBI sin-gle by Ballweg, but Middleton leftthe bases loaded.

Middleton also left the basesloaded in the top of the seventh, andthat proved costly. After Stormerretired Sun Prairie’s leadoff hitter, thenext five batters reached base — andMiddleton left with a tough loss.

“These are the kind of games weneed to win,” Hellenbrand said. “Wejust have to keep improving.”

• Madison La Follette 3,Middleton 0 — The Cardinals man-aged just two hits off of Lancersstandout Nicole Newman and fell lastThursday. Middleton struck out 15times in the game.

“Disappointed,” Hellenbrand saidafterwards. “I believe they were notready to face the challenge ofNewman and for that I take responsi-bility. Newman is a great pitcher, butwe made her look too good.”

• On deck: Middleton hostedMadison Memorial Tuesday, thenhosts Beloit Memorial Thursday at 5p.m. The Cardinals then head toJanesville Parker next Tuesday for a4:30 p.m. game and are at MadisonEast next Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.

“We have four conference gamesleft and each one is important,”Hellenbrand said. “Every team in theBig Eight can be tough on any givenday. We have to bring our best everyday until the end of the season.

“What I am proud of is our teamaccepting the loss to Verona, SunPrairie and LaFollette, learning fromit and staying hungry to improve. Wecould face any of those teams in theplayoffs and we would be ready forthe challenge.”

Softball Cardskeep battling Middleton fightsthrough skidby ROB REISCHEL


Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Ashley Brooks and Middleton’s girls softball team hopes to rebound this week.

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TOWN OF MERTON — TheMyrhum Invitational is one of the elitetrack and field meets of the season.

Several standout Division 1 pro-grams are in attendance. Some of thestate’s elite athletes highlight the field.

So Middleton’s girls had to feelawfully good when the Myrhumended last Friday night.

The Cardinals finished third at thestar-studded 20-team event.

Arrowhead’s girls were first with81.2 points. Muskego (68), Middleton(63), Milwaukee King (60) and GreenBay Preble (48) rounded out the topfive.

“Friday was definitely a great nightfor MHS track,” Middleton coach TaraFranklin said. “The competition wasincredibly tough.”

But the Cardinals were certainly upto the challenge.

Middleton’s 1,600-meter relayteam of Hanna Doctor, Emily Zeker,Bobbi Patrick and Kayla Bauhs was

first in 4:00.47. “To be able to run that time and win

at a meet like Arrowhead is a great testto what we can put together for timesin the next few weeks,” Franklin said.

Patrick also won the 800 in2:17.34.

“Bobbi is so versatile and the 800is a race that she loves and is reallyaiming for a school record in,”Franklin said. “She is very close togetting it and we will all be so happyfor her once it happens.”

Middleton’s 800-meter relay teamof Lauren Smith, Emily Zeker, OliviaRoberts and Hailee Milton was secondin 1:46.91.

“We have been changing things upand trying to come up with some fastcombinations of our sprinters, and itdefinitely looks like this one worked,”Franklin said. “If the handoffs aresmooth — and our relay coach, JaySchweitzer, really works on these withthe girls — it really shows when itcomes to the races. !

“Positioning and order of the girlsis also an important component that isthought out once we are at this pointof the season. Starting a race quick outof the blocks and truly finishing a raceand pushing it to the finish line are keyparts to a relay when we come up

against some of the great competitionat the invites and towards the end ofthe season.”

Kayla Bauhs was third in the triplejump (34-7 ") and fourth in the 300-meter hurdles (49.4).

“Kayla Bauhs had a fantastic nightoverall,” Franklin said. “Kayla is sucha strong and silent competitor — shepushes herself so hard and has somuch talent.

“She is one of those rare athletesthat could be in four events in eachmeet and finish at the top in each and

every one of them. She will be a bigpiece of the puzzle as conference andthe tournament series start up soon.”

Hanna Doctor was fourth in the200-meter dash (26.83) and RachelWians was fourth in the 800 (2:22.09).

Cierra Clay was fifth in the discus(107-3) and Emily Bergum was fifthin the long jump (15-8).

Middleton’s 3,200-meter relayteam of Autumn Grim, Jenny Launder,Jenny Phillips and Meta Williams wassixth (10:23.20).

Middleton also sent a second teamto the Stoughton Invite and held itsown.

Middleton’s Anna Clear was fourthin the 100 (13.9), while the 800-meterrelay team of Rachel Zander, KayleighDietz, Maggie Garren and AnnaGarren was also fourth (1:52.93).

Sara Gaab was sixth in the 100-meter hurdles (17:85) and MilenaMartin was eighth in the 800(2:40.53).

“A solid meet and a tough field ofcompetitors,” Franklin said. “We heldour own, and also got to see what kindof competition will be in our regionaland sectional.”


Holdingtheir own

Girls track teamthird at Myrhumby ROB REISCHEL


Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Middleton’s Bobbi Patrick takes the handoff from teammate Delaney Foster.

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It was a terrific weekend forMiddleton tennis sensation Jake VanEmburgh.

The rest of the Cardinals heldtheir own, as well.

Middleton reached the semifinalsof the power-packed Nicolet Invitebefore losing to eventual championHomestead.

Van Emburgh, Middleton’s stand-out freshman, enjoyed an even betterweekend winning all four of hismatches against some of the state’selite talent.

Middleton opened the tournamentwith a 6-1 win over Whitefish Bay.

Van Emburgh rolled to a 6-0, 6-1win at No. 1 singles, while BenLuskin notched a 6-2, 6-1 victory atNo. 2 singles. Harish Veeramani alsoearned a hard fought 6-4, 3-6, 10-7win at No. 3 singles.

The Cardinals three doublesteams also prevailed.

Evan Stone and Joey Niesennotched a 6-0, 6-0 win at No. 1,while Oscar Biggs and BrianBellissimo won at No. 2, 6-2, 6-7 (5),10-6. And at No. 3, Andy Webberand Cody Markel rolled to a 6-4, 7-5win.

Middleton edged Neenah, 4-3, inthe second round.

Van Emburgh rolled to a 6-1, 6-1win over Neenah sophom*ore Ryan

Risgaard, who was a state qualifierlast year. Luskin also won at No. 2singles, while the doubles teams ofStone-Niesen and Webber-Markelprevailed.

In the third round, though,Homestead toppled the Cardinals, 5-2. Van Emburgh defeatedHighlanders senior Danny Coran —who made the Sweet 16 at state lastyear — 6-4, 6-1.

Middleton also got a win fromLuskin and Bellissimo, who teamedup at No. 2 doubles and earned athree-set victory.

The Cardinals also fell to Nicolet,4-3, in the third place match.

Van Emburgh defeated Knightsjunior Calin Dumitrescu — a playerwho won two matches at state lastyear — 6-2, 6-1.

Stone and Niesen teamed up atNo. 1 doubles and earned a 5-7, 6-2,7-6 (5) victory. And the Biggs-Bellissimo tandem notched a 6-4, 6-0 win at No. 2 doubles.

The Cardinals also defeated bothVerona and Madison East, 7-0, lastweek.


Van Emburghsteals the showFreshman sensationgoes unbeaten atNicolet Inviteby ROB REISCHEL


Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Middleton freshman standout Jake Van Emburgh enjoyed a big weekend at the Nicolet Invite.

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Middleton girls soccer coach MaryDuffy loves to play a daunting sched-ule.

The way Duffy sees it, short-termpain eventually means long-term gain.

Last week, the Cardinals wentthrough a murderer’s row and morethan held their own.

Middleton toppled Verona, 2-1, andimproved to 2-0 in the Big EightConference.

The Cardinals also split a pair ofgames at the Brookfield East AlGusho Tournament. Middletondropped a 3-0 decision to Muskegolast Friday, but rebounded with a 3-0win over Homestead last Saturday.

In the Cardinals’ win over Verona,senior forward Ellen Jesse scored on apenalty kick and sophom*ore defenderKatya Boehnen scored late in the firsthalf as Middleton raced to a 2-0 lead.

The Cardinals then held on due to asolid effort by senior keeper LizMcMahon (five saves).

“We moved the ball well and havebeen working on switching the pointof attack to open up gaps in thedefense,” Duffy said. “We were ableto get some dangerous opportunities.We have some nice combinations forforwards.”

Middleton trailed Muskego, 1-0, inthe second half of the Al GushoTournament last Friday. But theWarriors scored a pair of goals in asix-minute span and pulled away.

“We came out flat and stayed thatway, which is quite ironic because we

dominated most of the possession butdidn't adjust defensively to their fastforwards and their very direct style ofplay,” Duffy said. “Unfortunately,they put away three goals on us, whichis the most all season long.

“We had great moments of build upand moved the ball well, but just didn'tcapitalize in the final third like we hadbeen doing consistently this wholeseason. It was a good wake up call tothe dangers of not capitalizing andstaying alert in the games and we did-n't dwell on it, but adjusted for thenext game.”

Middleton rebounded nicely, withan impressive win over traditionalpower Homestead. All three of theCardinals’ goals came in the first 16minutes.

Jesse scored in the eighth minute,and freshman Kristin Reikersdorferscored in the 11th minute on an assistfrom Jesse. Megan Sullivan then

scored in the 16th minute on an assistfrom Emily Krueger.

“Unfortunately for (Homestead),we were refocused from the loss (toMuskego),” Duffy said. “One of ouramazing qualities in this game camethrough — our depth.

“I told the girls on Friday that loss-es happen, but it is our response to asetback that will determine our char-acter as a team down the road. I gavethem 10 minutes to be upset about thatloss.

“Muskego took it to us and theydeserved the win for how they played,but we couldn't be stuck on that men-tally for our Saturday game. I thinkthe girls took it to heart because wewere sharp and sharp early on in thegame. All of them. From the starters tothe bench, every single player wasready to dominate.”


Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Lia Passini (16) and Middleton’s girls soccer team won two of three games last week.

Kicking it up a notchGirls soccerteam wins twoof three againstbrutal scheduleby ROB REISCHEL


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Middleton’s Home Talent Leaguefell to Sauk Prairie, 5-2, on Sunday.

Middleton, the defending HTLchampion, is now 1-1 on the year.

“I thought we hit the ball well, wejust couldn’t get anything to fall,”Middleton manager BrandonHellenbrand said. “Sauk is a toughteam, they were aggressive with theirbats and played great defense.”

Middleton took a 2-1 lead in thesecond inning on an RBI single byA.J. Redders. But Sauk erupted forfour runs in the seventh inning, high-lighted by Steve Pacholke’s two-runsingle.

Drew Farrell threw all nine inningsfor Middleton and took theloss. !Farrell struck out six and didn’tallow a walk.

“Overall I thought Drew threwreally well,” Hellenbrand said. “Heseemed to pick up exactly where heleft off last year. We had one badinning in the seventh where we fellapart defensively.! We had a couplemistakes and they hurt us.

Andrew Zimmerman, Cole Cookand A.J. Redders all had two hits forMiddleton.

Middleton hosts Reedsburg Sundayat 1 p.m.

Sauk Prairie .................. 100 000 400 — 5 12 1Middleton ........................ 020 000 000 — 2 8 1

Pitchers — (ip-h-er-bb-so) — M. Katzman(5.1-5-2-2-0), Lenerz (W; 3.2-3-0-1-2); Farrell(L; 9-12-4-0-6).

Leading hitters — Sauk Prairie — Schara(2x5), L. Koenig (2x5), Slotty (2x4), Pacholke(2x4); Middleton — Zimmerman (2x4), Cook(2x4), Redders (2x4).

• Cross Plains 2, Cazenovia 1 —Kenny Allen played hero for theBusinessmen.

Allen threw a complete-game sixhitter to pick up the win. Allen struckout seven and didn’t walk a batter.

Allen also had two of Cross Plains’seven hits.

Cross Plains .................... 000 002 000 — 2 7 1Cazenovia ....................... 000 100 000 — 1 6 3

Pitchers — (ip-h-er-bb-so) — Allen (W; 9-6-1-0-7); S. Overlein (L; 7-5-0-1-5), J. Overlein(2-2-0-0-2).

Leading hitters — Cross Plains — Allen(2x4); Cazenovia — Mace (2x4).

2B — Fuhrman; Glassbrenner.

• Ashton 14, Mazomanie 2 —Kevin Peternell struck out 10 in justsix innings to earn the win in a gamestopped after seven innings.

Ashton also pounded out 18 hits.Derek Prochaska had three RBI,Kevin Drunasky had two RBI andTrevor Dresen hit a solo home run.Mazomanie .......................... 000 001 1 — 2 4 3Ashton ............................. 352 202 x — 14 18 0

Pitchers — (ip-h-er-bb-so) — Pustina (L;0.2-0-0-4-0), Hewitt (3.1-11-9-3-4), W. Zander(2-7-0-0-2); Peternell (W; 6-3-1-1-10), Meinholz(1-1-1-3-3).

Leading hitters — Mazomanie — Doyle(2x4); Ashton — Gowan (3x4), Maier (2x3),Prochaska (2x3), Peternell (2x5), Drunasky(3x4), Dresen (3x5).

HR — Dresen. 2B — Zander; Prochaska,Endres.


Middletonupendedby Saukby ROB REISCHEL


Photo courtesy of UW-Sports Information

He’s a Bear nowRyan Groy (79), a former Middleton High School and University of Wisconsin standout, was not selected in last weekend’s NFL Draft. But

Groy signed a “street” free agent contract with the Chicago Bears immediately after the draft ended.Groy now faces the tall task of making an NFL roster as an undrafted player. The Bears will begin training camp in late July.

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be sky high after arguably theirmost impressive victory of the season.

Middleton easily outdistanced sev-eral of its Big Eight Conference foesand teams it could face this postsea-son. Madison Memorial was a distantsecond at 639, followed by MadisonEdgewood (640), Waunakee (657),Verona (670), Oregon (677), SunPrairie (682), Monona Grove (688),McFarland (698), Madison West (710)and Madison East (737).

Haunty had a terrific tournament.After firing an opening-day 75,Haunty carded a 2-under-par 70 onThursday to run away with medalisthonors.

“I've played there enough to get thefeel for it,” Haunty said of UniversityRidge. “My Dad used to take me outthere as a kid and we’d practice andget a few rounds in every once inawhile. I definitely feel like I knowthe course well after this week.

“Our score of 598 was extremelyencouraging for the whole team and itgives us confidence moving forward.But we also know we can do betterthan that.”

Thomas shot an opening round 73,and followed that with a solid 76.Thomas didn’t know much aboutUniversity Ridge, but still playedextremely well and would love tobook a return trip in June.

“I had played it a long time ago, soI didn’t remember it much,” Thomassaid of the course. “I watched the(state champion) 2011 Middletonteam play there, but other than that Ihaven't seen the course much at all.The 598 was really cool because itshowed how low this team can go at acourse where the state tournament isheld.”

Cardinals senior CharlieStankiewicz shot a 77-75 and tied forfifth individually with a 152. Andsophom*ore Emmet Herb shot 75 onthe first day, while sophom*ore JoeyLevin carded a 77 on the second day.

Middleton has had a terrific start toits year, and currently leads the BigEight Conference with a perfect markin league dual meets. But theCardinals’ performance at the MorganStanley could be an indicator thatgreat things remain.

“This year has gone very well forus, but I don't think it surprised any ofus,” Haunty said. “We all knew whatwe were capable of coming into thisspring, we just needed to put up thenumbers and we've done that. I alsothink we are capable of even bettergolf and I look forward to that the restof this season.”

Thomas agreed.“This season has gone very well for

us,” he said. “We’ve had a few badoutings, but the good has outweighedthe bad.

“I think we came in expecting tohave a pretty good year seeing we hadfour guys returning from last year. Ithink the strength of the team this year

is that we have five guys that can allshoot very good scores, so there is nopressure on any one guy on the teamto play well. If someone has a bad daythere are four other guys that we canrely on, which I think is somethingmost teams don’t have.”

• Briggs and StrattonChampionship: Middleton shot a 323and finished sixth at the 18-teamBriggs and Stratton Championshipslast Tuesday at Bristlecone Pines inHartland. The tournament featurednine of the state’s top-10 teams.

Marquette finished first with a 311to win the event, while the Cardinalsshot a 323.

Haunty led Middleton with a 75,while Levin and Stankiewicz shot 82sand Herb carded an 85.

GOLFERS continued from page 12nGolf Coaches Association of

Wisconsin Poll1. Homestead2. Middleton3. Marquette4. Green Bay Notre Dame5. Catholic Memorial6. Cedarburg7. Arrowhead8. Brookfield Central9. Edgerton10. Holmen

Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Charlie Stankiewicz and Middleton’s boys golf team won last week’s Morgan Stanley Shootout.

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rematch.Middleton senior Kasey Miller

continued his stellar season by pitch-ing a complete-game, five-hitter.Miller struck out five, walked just oneand kept the Vikings off balance allgame.

“Kasey was really in control,”Schmitt said. “When you get goodstarting pitching, you’re going to be inthe game.”

Middleton was certainly in thisgame.

After Parker took a 1-0 lead in thefirst, the Cardinals tied it in the bottomof the frame when Zach Kasdorf’sRBI double plated Jackson Keeler.

Middleton scored twice in the bot-tom of the second and surged to a 3-1lead. Kasdorf had another RBI singleand Alex Elliott had a sacrifice fly tocenter.

Middleton made it 4-1 in the fourthwhen Stephen Bayer laid down a per-fect squeeze bunt, then Matt Ashscored on a balk in the fifth.

Middleton added two more runs inthe sixth when Brennan Maly reachedon an error and Keeler had an RBI sin-gle.

“That was a good fun game,”Schmitt said. “After we got thumpeddown there, we were able to keepthem under wraps.”

And stay in the conference race forthe time being.

In all, Middleton went 4-1 on theweek. Here’s a recap of the Cardinals’other games.

• Middleton 14, MadisonMemorial 3 — The Cardinals routedthe host Spartans last Tuesday.

Miller was 4-for-5 with a double,and also picked up the win after allow-ing just three hits in five innings. TylerHolley went 3-for-3 with a double andElliott was 2-for-4 with two doubles.

“That was one of those nights whenwe saw the same kid (TylerLundquist) for a second time,”Schmitt said. “

This time we got after him.“And Kasey was a little wild early

on, then really settled in. He’s been alot more control of his breaking ballrecently.”

• Middleton 6, Beloit Memorial 4— The Cardinals trailed, 2-0, throughthree innings last Thursday, but ralliedback. The key frame was the fifth,when Middleton scored three runs andtook a 4-2 lead.

All of Middleton’s runs in the fifthwere unearned. But Jordan Lueck had

an RBI on a squeeze play and ZachKasdorf had an RBI double to centerfield.

Meanwhile, Middleton starterGarrett Knudtson settled in after arough start. Knudtson allowed twofirst inning runs, but just one over thenext five frames.

Hayden Denson pitched the sev-enth and picked up the save.

Middleton also turned four doubleplays to aid its pitchers.

“Garrett got stronger as we wentalong,” Schmitt said. “It was good tosee him shut them down.”

• Janesville Craig 10, Middleton1 — The visiting Cougars erupted for10 runs in the final two innings androuted the Cardinals last Friday.

Middleton’s Maly carried a shutoutto the sixth inning. But the Cardinals’defense — which committed threeerrors on the night — had a roughtime, which opened the floodgates forthe Cougars.

Middleton finished with just five

hits off of Craig starter and winnerChase Nyborg.

• Middleton 7, Sheboygan South0 — The Cardinals’ Denson threw agem, allowing just two hits in sixinnings last Saturday. Denson alsostruck out four and walked two.

Middleton had 10 hits, even thoughno player had more than one.

The Cardinals’ big inning was thethird, when they erupted for four runs.Jackson Keeler had an RBI groundoutthat inning, while Miller and LukeSchafer both had RBI singles.

Maly had an RBI single in the fifthand Kasdorf had an RBI single in thesixth.

• On deck: Middleton facedMadison East Wednesday, then hostsMadison West Thursday at 5 p.m. TheCardinals also host Watertown in adoubleheader Saturday beginning at11 a.m. and travel to Verona nextTuesday at 5 p.m.


Long time Big Eight Conferencebaseball rivals Middleton and SunPrairie will join forces to aide pedi-atric cancer research during theCardinals Strike Out Cancer gameon May 22. The game will be playedat 5 p.m. at Middleton High School.

The game fundraiser will benefitthe American Family Children’sHospital pediatric cancer researchefforts. The teams will each wear aspecial team Strike Out Cancer capto honor those who have beentouched by cancer, while fans areencouraged to buy the official pink“strike out” shirt with both cardinalmascots imprinted on the front.

Team hats will also be availablefor sale. An admission donation willalso go toward the benefit.

Cancer survivors will play a keyrole at the game, with official BatKids, Grace Olson of Middleton andAndrew Zielsdorf of Sun Prairie anda first pitch thrown out by a survivorfrom each community.

While the teams are rivals, man-agers Tom Schmitt of Middleton andRob Hamilton of Sun Prairie havebeen friends for almost 20 years.

“Coach Schmitt called me before

the season started to suggestMiddleton and Sun Prairie worktogether to benefit cancer research,”Hamilton said. “Coach Schmitt and Iboth have a strong desire to teach ourplayers life lessons as well as lessonson the field. It was a no-brainer toagree to team up with Middleton onthis special game.”

In addition to purchasing T-shirts,fans are encouraged to come pre-pared to donate at the game throughprize raffles and between inningcompetitions.

“We hope fans will embrace thefundraiser to show our players howimportant it is to give back to thecommunity and those in need whenyou have the benefit of good healthand good fortune,” Schmitt said.

Fans can donate to their respec-tive teams by writing a check toAmerican Family Children’sHospital and submitting it to theirteam coaches at the high school.Questions about the event can bedirected to Lori Garvey at [emailprotected] or

Tom Schmitt [emailprotected].

Strike Out Cancer gameBASEBALL continued from page 12n

Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Elliot Tanin and Middleton’s baseball team won four of five games last week.

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Adler honoredFormer Middleton High School

standout Shane Adler, now a juniorpitcher at UW-La Crosse, has beenselected the Wisconsin IntercollegiateAthletic Conference (WIAC) Pitcherof the Week.

Adler earned a pair of victories intwo appearances last week.!He pitched15.0 innings with an 0.60 ERA lastweek and allowed one earned run with17 strikeouts.!!

In UW-L’s 13-0 victory over UW-Platteville April 30, Adler pitched 6.0innings, allowed four hits and threewalks with six strikeouts.!In a 2-1 winover UW-Oshkosh May 4, Adlerpitched a complete-game, going all9.0 innings, allowing four hits, onerun and one walk with a career-high11 strikeouts.

Adler is 4-1 with a 3.93 earned runaverage this season.

UW-L, receiving votes in thisweek’s American Baseball CoachesAssociation/Collegiate BaseballNCAA Division III Poll, is 24-14 onthe season.

All-sport meetingThere will be a parent and athlete

meeting for incoming freshman andnew students to Middleton HighSchool on May 28 at 7 p.m. in thePAC.!This meeting is for all incomingfreshman as well as new MHS stu-dents interested in playing a sport at

MHS, regardless of season.

Baseball leaguesThe Middleton Baseball/Softball

Commission is still registering boys 7-8-years-old for Instructional League,9-10-year-olds for Little BucksLeague and 11-12-year-olds forPepper League. All leagues allow theboys to play two games a week.

The season starts in the middle ofJune and ends at the end of July.Please register

Youth flag rugbyThe Middleton youth flag rugby

league runs from June 23-Aug. 2. Thesix-week program includes 16 ses-sions.

The program is for boys and girlsentering grades 3-8 beginning in thefall of 2014.

For more information, contactBruce Hill [emailprotected].

Golf outingThe Middleton Cardinal Booster

Club will present the 2014 CardinalGolf Outing on June 20 at PleasantView Golf Course.! The event willcontain golf, food and prizes.

Participation is limited to the first144 paid golfers.!

V i s i to

reserve a spot and for hole sponsor-ship.

Dance team tryoutsMiddleton High School dance team

tryouts will be held May 19-22 in thesmall gym at MHS. Tryouts are opento interested dancers entering grades9-12 during the 2014-2015 schoolyear. !

The schedule is:May 19, 5:30-6:15 p.m. —

Mandatory Informational Meeting(Dancers and Parents)

May 20, 4-6 p.m. — ClinicMay 21, 4-6 p.m. — ClinicMay 22, 4-6 p.m. — TryoutsAny questions can be directed to

head coach Jackie Jaucian at [emailprotected].

Books availableMiddleton Times-Tribune Sports

Editor Rob Reischel has co-authoreda book with former Green BayPackers great LeRoy Butler titled“Packers Pride.”

Those interested in signed copiescan contact Reischel at [emailprotected].

MWGA scoresFlight A: Diane Wirkus — Low

Gross 42; Low Net 32; Play of theDay.

Flight B - Alice Mann: Low Gross48; Low Net 33; Play of the Day.

Flight C - Obie Oberst: Low Gross51; Low Net 29; Play of the Day.


1 2 3 4 5 6

11 12 13 14

SportscalendarThursday, May 15

Noon — Boys varsity golf at Madison La Follette Invite at Yahara2 p.m. — Boys JV White golf at Sun Prairie 2:30 p.m. — Boys freshman golf Quad at Blackhawk (Janesville)2:30 p.m. — Boys Freshmen golf at Janesville Craig (Riverside)4 p.m. — Boys JV Red lacrosse at Stoughton4 p.m. — Boys varsity tennis at Madison La Follette 4:15 p.m. — Boys freshmen White tennis vs. Madison La Follette4:15 p.m. — Boys JV tennis at Madison La Follette4:15 p.m. — Boys freshmen tennis vs. Madison East 5 p.m. — Varsity baseball vs. Madison West5 p.m. — JV baseball vs. Madison West5 p.m. — Freshman baseball at Madison West5 p.m. — Girls JV White soccer vs. Madison West Gold 5 p.m. — Girls JV Red soccer at Sun Prairie5 p.m. — Girls freshman soccer at Sun Prairie5 p.m. — Varsity softball vs. Beloit Memorial5 p.m. — JV softball vs. Beloit Memorial5 p.m. — Freshman softball vs. Sun Prairie7 p.m. — Girls varsity soccer at Sun Prairie

Friday, May 164 p.m. — Boys varsity tennis at Madison West Invite4 p.m. — Boys varsity track at Monona Grove Invite4:15 p.m. — Boys JV tennis at Madison West5 p.m. — Boys varsity lacrosse at Sun Prairie5:30 p.m. — Boys JV lacrosse vs. Janesville6:30 p.m. — Boys JV White lacrosse at Sun Prairie

Saturday, May 178 a.m. — Boys JV tennis at Big Eight Conference Meet at Sun Prairie9 a.m. — Girls JV soccer at Sugar River Invitational10 a.m. — Boys JV Red lacrosse vs. Marquette10 a.m. — Girls varsity track at Monona Grove Invite10:30 a.m. — Girls JV Red at Sugar River Invite11 a.m. — Varsity baseball vs. Watertown (DH)11 a.m. — JV baseball vs. Watertown (DH)Noon — Boys varsity lacrosse vs. Marquette2 p.m. — Boys JV White lacrosse vs. Marquette 4:15 p.m. — Boys freshmen tennis at City Meet4:30 p.m. — Girls varsity lacrosse at Waukesha Invite

Monday, May 19Noon — Boys varsity golf at Madison memorial Invite at Blackhawk3 p.m. — Boys varsity tennis at Janesville Parker 3 p.m. — Boys varsity JV at Janesville Parke5 p.m. — Girls JV Red soccer vs. DSHA5 p.m. — Freshman softball vs. Portage7 p.m. — Girls varsity soccer vs. Madison East

Tuesday, May 209 a.m. — Boys freshmen golf at Big Eight Conference meet at Sun

Prairie1:30 p.m. — Boys varsity track at Big Eight Conference meet at

Mansfield1:30 p.m. — Girls varsity track at Big Eight Conference meet at

Mansfield3:30 p.m. — Boys varsity tennis at Big Eight Conference meet at

Nielsen4:30 p.m. — Varsity softball at Janesville Parker4:30 p.m. — JV softball at Janesville Parker5 p.m. — Varsity baseball at Verona5 p.m. — JV baseball at Verona5 p.m. — Freshman baseball vs. Verona5 p.m. — Girls varsity lacrosse at Verona5 p.m. — Boys varsity lacrosse at Janesville5 p.m. — Girls freshman soccer vs. Janesville Craig5 p.m. — Girls JV White soccer vs. Janesville Craig5 p.m. — Freshman softball: vs. Madison La Follette6:30 p.m. — Girls JV lacrosse at Verona6:30 p.m. — Boys JV White lacrosse at Janesville7 p.m. — Girls varsity soccer vs. Janesville Craig

Wednesday, May 219:15 a.m. — Boys varsity tennis at Big Eight Conference meet at

Nielsen4:30 p.m. — Boys JV track at Big Eight Conference meet at Janesville

Craig (Monterey)6:30 p.m. — Girls varsity lacrosse vs. Madison La Follette

Times-TribuneS P O R T S B R I E F S

Mtt 20mgfinal - [PDF Document] (21)

Middleton’s girls lacrosse teamsplit a pair of games last week.

The Cardinals defeated MadisonWest, 14-9, last Thursday. Middletonalso fell to Sun Prairie, 14-8, lastTuesday.

Freshman Abby Drake, seniorAbby Hudson and junior LucyBergenthal keyed Middleton’s winover the Regents. Drake had five goalsand two assists, Hudson had threegoals and three assists, and Bergenthalhad three goals and one assist.

“Clean, crisp transition passes wereplentiful from start to finish,”Middleton coach Anne Gravel said.“The girls scored a few goals going to

end-to-end scoring on fast breaks, aswell as settled offensive possessions.”

Middleton also fell to Sun Prairiein a game it trailed, 7-1, at halftime.Middleton enjoyed much better resultsin the second half, but couldn’t over-come the large deficit.

“Sun Prairie came out firing on allcylinders and got out to early lead,”Gravel said. “Unfortunately, the firsthalf six goal deficit was too great a

hole to climb out of. !“One of the Sun Prairie coaches

said they played their best half againstus in the first. Unfortunately weplayed one of our sloppiest to theirbest that afternoon. Not much else tosay. They are a good team. To beatthem, we had to play a clean game,which we did not in the first half.”


Girls lacrosse team splits twoby ROB REISCHEL


Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Abby Hudson and Middleton’s girls lacrosse team split a pair of games last week.

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Mtt 20mgfinal - [PDF Document] (23)








Mtt 20mgfinal - [PDF Document] (24)

Ernest Winters was first after set-ting a new school record and notchingthe best time in Wisconsin this year(1:29.11.)

“Another school record goesdown,” Mezera said. “That’s five sofar this season. I’m so proud of theseguys and excited for what they canaccomplish.”

Winters also won the 100-yarddash in 11.22 seconds. Okoli was sec-ond and Alex Wood was fifth. !

“Going one, two, five in the 100 istruly something special,” Mezera said.“Once we get these guys together in a4x100, amazing things will happen.”

Parker Johnson won the pole vault(13-0) and Meeteer was third (13-0).

“Parker and Noah have a friendlyrivalry going on,” Mezera said. “It’spaying huge dividends for the team.”

Hans Kunsch ran a terrific race inthe 300-meter hurdles and finishedsecond.

“Hans is so smooth over the hur-dles,” Mezera said.! “It’s like theyaren’t even there.”

Sophom*ore Perrin Hagge contin-ued his breakout spring and was sec-ond in the 800 and third in the 1,600.

“I’ve been keeping track of top-20times since 2007, and Perrin’s time issecond in the 1,600 behind BradonKampstra and second in the 800behind Steven Harris,” Mezera said.“I don’t think we’ve seen the limit towhat Perrin can do yet.!Doubling the1,600 and 800 is difficult. To finishtop three in each is elite.”

Middleton’s 3,200-meter relayteam of Josh Arandia, Jackson Rock,Zach Shoemaker-Allen and R.J.Pertzborn was third in 8:17.2.

Middleton’s 400-meter relay teamcompeted without Winters and Okoli,and still finished fourth in 44.66. TheCardinals’ quartet included Trevaun

Turner, Noah Kern, Meeteer and AlexWood. !

“Our depth in the sprints was obvi-ous in this race,” Mezera said.

Freshman Gus Newcomb was fifthin the 3,200 (9:45.7).

“Between Perrin and Gus, we areset for the next couple years in dis-tance events,” Mezera said.

Middleton’s 1,600-meter relayteam of Easton, Roger Waleffe,Pertzborn and anchor Travis Zanderwas sixth (3:28). And Zander was sev-enth in the 400.

Middleton’s jumps were alsoextremely solid.

Andy Keeler was second in thehigh jump (6-2) and sixth in the triplejump (40-7 "), while Nick Maes wasthird in the triple jump (41-10 "). JackJesse finished fifth in the long jump(19-7) and Noah Kern was seventh inthe high jump.

“We have talented athletes in everyarea a track meet offers,” Mezera said.“We’re also deep enough that we canput together a 4x100 that doesn’t haveour fastest two sprinters on it and stillget fourth. !

“Jumps, throws, distance, sprints,hurdles, mid-distance, vaulting. Youname the event, and we have a guy foryou.”

Which makes for an exciting birth-day!

• Stoughton Invite: Middletonalso sent a team to the StoughtonInvite last Friday and finished seventhamong 10 teams.

The Cardinals’ quartet of KyleBeuchner, Andrew Plumb, HaydenJohnston and Cole Conklin-Little wonthe 3,200-meter relay in 8:33.9.Middleton’s 1,600-meter relay team ofJordan Futch, Will Funk, NickHollman and Kyle Beuchner was sec-ond (3:34.7.)

“A testament to the depth and talentof our team that we can send our nextbest to another Division 1 varsity invi-tational and be competitive,” Mezerasaid.

• Middleton 96, Madison East 38— The Cardinals rolled past thePurgolders last Tuesday.

The highlight of the night camewhen Winters broke the school recordin the 200 with a time of 22.04 sec-onds. The previous record holder wascurrent Cardinals assistant coach JaySchweitzer.

Middleton also received first placefinishes from Tanner Rahman in theshot put (41-5) and the discus! (159-10); Johnson in the pole vault (13-6);

Keeler in the high jump (6-2); BrettJoers in the 110 hurdles (16.7); Okoliin the 100 (11.4); Shoemaker-Allen inthe 1,600 (4:40); Matthew Wakai inthe 300 hurdles (46.7); and Newcombin the 800 (2:05.9).

Middleton also captured first placein all four relays.

The 400-meter relay team includedKellan Schulz, Nick Bilodeau, AlexLeahy and Griffin Gussel (46.0). The

800-meter relay team consisted ofNick Hollman, Lars Haskins, MitchelOswald and Troy Zeuske (1:36.9).

Alex Leahy, Nick Hollman, Turnerand Meeteer made up the 1,600-meterrelay team (3:43.2). And the 3,200-meter relay team consisted of MaxStenklyft, Ed Larson, Alex Keller andAlex Tanke.


BOYS TRACK continued from page 12n

Times-Tribune photo by Mary Langenfeld

Ernest Winters and Middleton’s boys track team won the star-studded Myhrum Invitational last Friday

Mtt 20mgfinal - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is MTT assay PDF? ›

MTT assay is a colorimetric assay for assessing. cytotoxicity or cytostatic activity. Under defined condition, NADPH dependent cellular. oxidoreductase enzymes reflects the number of viable cells. The MTT enters the cells and passes.

How do you prepare MTT stock solution? ›

MTT Stock Solution (12 mm)

Prepare a 12 mm stock solution by dissolving 5 mg of MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] in 1 mL of PBS. This stock solution will be enough for 100 reactions (10 µL per reaction).

How to interpret MTT results? ›


The optimal number of cells for the assay should fall within the linear portion of the curve and give an absorbance value between 0.75 and 1.25. Then both stimulation and inhibition of cell proliferation can be measured.

How to prepare drug for MTT assay? ›

Prepare MTT solution

We recommend using a 5 mg/mL solution in PBS. Mix by vortexing or sonication. Filter sterilize solution after adding MTT. Store MTT solution at -20°C (stable for at least 6 months).

How much DMSO to add to MTT assay? ›

It is not necessary to dilute the DMSO - if you set up your MTT assay in a 96-well plate for example, to solubilise the formazan crystal, first remove the media without disturbing the cell monolayer, then add 100 uL of 100% DMSO in each well and pipette up and down.

How to calculate cell viability in MTT assay? ›

The cell viability is then calculated as a percent of the untreated control. This is done by subtracting the absorbance of the treated cultures from the absorbance of the untreated cultures, and then dividing by the absorbance of the untreated cultures. The resulting number is multiplied by 100 to give a percentage.

What does MTT assay tell you? ›

The MTT assay is used to measure cellular metabolic activity as an indicator of cell viability, proliferation and cytotoxicity.

What can go wrong with MTT assay? ›

A variety of chemical compounds are known to interfere with the MTT assay. These are mostly reducing compounds that lead to non-enzymatic reduction of the MTT to formazan. Examples include ascorbic acid, vitamin A, sulfhydryl-containing compounds including reduced glutathione, coenzyme A, and dithiothreitol (11–14).

How to do statistical analysis for MTT assay? ›

Statistically analyze MTT test results by comparing survival rates between adapted (sensitive) and non-adapted (insensitive) groups, determining prognoses based on chemotherapy sensitivity, and assessing specific drug responses.

Should I remove MTT before adding DMSO? ›

Answering your question, yes, it is necessary to remove the MTT medium before adding DMSO because DMSO and the medium considerably changes the absorbance spectrum of formazan due to sodium bicarbonate present in the medium. Moreover, the color of MTT could interfere with the absorbance.

What is an acceptable cell viability percentage? ›

Briefly, cell viability is the number of live, healthy cells in a sample2. Calculated as a percentage of control, 80-95% cell viability indicates a healthy culture. This number may be slightly lower in suspension cultures as dead cells do not get washed away during trypsinizing.

How long should I incubate MTT? ›

The MTT substrate is prepared in a physiologically balanced solution, added to cells in culture, usually at a final concentration of 0.2 - 0.5mg/ml, and incubated for 1 to 4 hours.

What is the MTT assay? ›

The MTT assay is a colorimetric assay for assessing cell metabolic activity. NAD(P)H-dependent cellular oxidoreductase enzymes may, under defined conditions, reflect the number of viable cells present.

What is the principle of MTT method? ›

Principle: Rapid colorimetric assay based on the cleavage of the tetrazolium ring of MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthazolk-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) by dehydrogenases in active mitochondria of living cells as an estimate of viable cell number.

What is the difference between ATP assay and MTT assay? ›

The ATP assay is able to measure the ATP released from less than 20 cells (7,18,19), and the lowest concentration used in this study (1 500 cells/well) was easily detectable, while the MTT assay could not detect less than 25,000 cells/well and is usually used with much higher cell concen- trations (20,21).

What is MTT assay for bacterial viability? ›

The test is based on enzymatic reduction of the lightly colored tetrazolium salt to its formazan of intense purple-blue color, which can be quantified spectrophotometrically. Under properly optimized conditions the obtained absorbance value is directly proportional to the number of living cells.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.