Aria Potter and the Griseous Orb - Chapter 2 - FlippytheZilla - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

I’ve been having these weird thought any of this for real or not?”

Green eyes flutter open, finding herself slowly sinking down into a void of black and purple. Looking around, she could see platforms of rock and trees. Waterfalls that fell down into nothing, but also didn’t seem to have a beginning.

Aria frowns, before turning her head this way and that, trying to figure out where she was.

So much to do,” her head snaps up at the voice, it was raspy, but deep and menacing with a tint of a serpentine hiss. It made her ears ring, and she looks around frantically, trying to find the source of the voice. “So little time...but take your time...don’t be afraid...while the gate is still have so much much potential that is being wasted on those fools. They abandoned by them until they couldn’t ignore you anymore,”

Aria frowns at this, her ears pinning to her head and she turns to see two glowing red eyes staring at her, making Aria feel...small. And she hated feeling small. So she growls, her lips curling to show her fangs, though this action made the red eyes shine in amusem*nt, and deep rumble erpted from the darkness, “Oh those little fangs of yours won’t scare anyone...but in time they will..that is if..”

But before the voice could say anymore to her, a roar erupted from somehwere else. The voice that had been talking to her hiss, before Aria found herself jolting up, heart beating against her chest as a blanket slipped off her body. At first, Aria was confused on where she was exactly before yesterday’s memories hit her. She swallows at first at the reminder that her little buddy was gone but shakes her head. She just prays to Giratina that Dudley wouldn’t hurt him...though she figures that with all his cruelness to her and many others, he had never harm a single Pokemon.

Sighing, she sat back into the chair of the train, closing her eyes a bit. But after awhile and failing to fall asleep, Aria sat up a bit, and took put the envelope from her pocket. Pulling out the second piece of paper that she had ignored the other day and she began to read it.

Hogwarts Academy for the Gifted Trainers

Uniform (First Year Addition):

  • Nine sets of the School Uniform (A black jacket and silver pants/skirt/shorts, with a white shirt)

  • Three sets of winter jackets

  • Three sets of lab coats (white)

  • Four pairs of protective gloves (Dragon-Type Hide)

  • Two sets of gym clothes (black)

  • Three sets of Ceremonial Robes

Please note that all pupils must have a name tag on their clothing. While students are not required to wear the uniforms all the time, they are required to when classes are being held

Course E-Books (All students should have a copy of each of the following onto their Rotomphones

Aria grimaces at last few books, “Should had is a school,” while Hogwarts was the Number 1 Trainer school in Grimm, it was still that, a chool. No matter how many students want to study Pokemon, especially battling, they still have to do normal school stuff.

Other Equipment:

  • Trainer Belt

  • Potion Kit: Pestle and Mortar (Stainless steel standard size 2)

  • Magnifico Incorporate Trainer Bag

  • 1 Hogwarts Issued Rotomphone

  • 1 Aura Stone

Students may acquire a Starter Pokemon from Professor Garrick Ollivander or from a League approve breeder. Parents be advise that students are not to bring their parent’s Pokemon either traded or borrowed

Aria looked up when a chime rang off, making Professor McGonagall, who was sleeping in the chair across her, startle awake.

Thank you for traveling with us, and from all of our citizens, welcome to Wishdream City,”

“Well, it seems that we have arrived,” Professor McGonagall stated as she sat up, stretching her back. “Come along Miss. Potter,” keeping silent, Aria slip out of her seat, shaking her messy black and gold hair, she follows the Professor off the train. For once, Aria couldn’t keep the netural look on her face as she stares at the giant city before her. What little she knew about Wishdream City was that it was the biggest city in all of Grimm, competing against Cleadon in Kanto and Lumiose is Kalos. Home to the third gym of the Everafter League and of course the biggest contest hall that held the Grand Festival that all coordinators wish to go to. This was also where the Daily Encore which was Grimm’s most reliable radio show, delivered the news throughout all the region.

Though Aria was too preoccupied to think about that. Not with the Pokémon, though there were many of them. Flying overhead, helping draw people’s attention to their Trainer’s stands. Helping a group of children cross the road. No, Aria noticed them, but she was more focus that… there were people like her.

There were people with cat ears and mouse ears, rabbit ears that were hopping about. There were people with pointed ears, scales that shimmer in the light painted across their face and shoulders. People who were very tall, with black horns sticking out of their heads, and tails that seem to fit on those of a Dragonite. Aria tired not to show it, but what amaze her, was no one was batting an eye to it. Her Aunt Petunia had told her for years, that people…. Normal people would consider her a monster… a freak. That they would scream and run from her while others would put her down like the beast she was. It was why Aria had planned on buying as many hats as she could, to wrap her tail around herself as a belt. But here, with people just like one was batting an eye.

“This way Miss. Potter,” looking over to where Professor McGonagall was leading her, Aria couldn’t help but blink. The building that she had just noticed looked depressing from the outside, dull and unfriendly. Hard wooden planks and stone pillars made up most of the building’s outer structure. The stained glass windows made it near impossible to see through, but the lethargy from within could be felt from where they were standing. The sign above the door establish this place as the Leaky Cubchoo. But Aria’s attention was not focus on the tavern, but on the very large building it sat in front of. It was six feet tall, or maybe even higher. “The Leaky Cubchoo is the entrance to Diagon Department Store,” Aria looked confuse on that. Why would anyone have such a grubby looking place as the entrance to a department store. Before she could ask though, Professor McGonagall steered her inside.

Entering the tiny, grubby-looking pub through the old, wooden door, they were welcome by the smile of an excited waitress, who Professor McGonagall waved away. To Aria’s shock, it was very alluring inside compared to the outside. Hard wooden beams supported the upper floors and the decorational lights attached to them. The walls were clear of everything, though there were signs that things use to hung off the wall. Clearly, they been knocked down by customers that had too much to drink.

The pub itself was crowded with Trainers who seem to be the main clientele here. Several long tables were occupied, with people that were either reading over magazines, looking over their Rotomphones. A few older women were sitting in the corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry, “Ah! Professor McGonagall!” Aria turned her head towards the old bartender, bald and kind of looking like a toothless walnut, “the usual?”

“Not today Tom,” Professor McGonagall gently stated, “I’m on Hogwarts business as of right now. Maybe later,”

The man nodded his head, but his eyes flicker to Aria and they widen in shock, which made Aria stare with a frown, “Giratina bless my soul… it’s Aria Potter!” Hurrying out from behind the bar, Aria was surprise when he seized her hand, shaking it with a wide smile, “Welcome back, Miss. Potter, welcome back,”

Before Aria could open her mouth, there was a great scraping of chairs as people scramble to get out of them. Soon, she was crowed around by everyone in the Leaky Cubchoo, all ignoring Professor McGonagall’s yells to back away from her, all wanting to shake her hand.

Just as when Aria was going to bite the next person to grab her hand, a shout was heard over the clamor, “ENOUGH!” They all still, there eyes widen, “back away now you fools,”

Slowing doing as they were told, they back away from her. Panting, trying to control her breathing, Aria turns her gaze to the person and she stilled. The man was aged, looking about to be in his seventies or maybe he was older than that. His once black hair was turning sliver at the roots, where large brown hyena ears sat on top. He stared down at them, with imposing grey eyes that made Aria wanted to snarl but at the same time, they startled her. Those eyes, while they were grey, were so familiar..she had seen them herself, when she stared at her reflection. Though caged, hurt and trodden down by the Dursleys, her eyes had always shine with a hidden lust for power. The want for power, for strength is the reason why she fights back anytime Dudley and his little gang chase after her, why she kept getting good grades even though it brought her uncle’s fists raining down on her. The satisfaction that thrum in her, while curl up in her little cupboard, knowing that no matter how much they hurt her, no matter how much they try to keep her down, made her think that they were her betters, she proves them wrong.

And by the grin that split across his face, the man could see it too.

“Regent Black,” Aria turns to see Professor McGonagall staring at the older man with a pale face, “What are you doing here?”

“What? You think just because the league is about the start I wouldn’t be here?” he rolls his grey eyes, “And why wouldn’t I be here to see the heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black begin her journey,”

“Heiress?” Professor McGonagall almost look gobsmack at this; her pale green eyes widen.

“Of course, like hyenas, our family is run by the females of the family, and while unfortunately my daughter-in-law, Walburga had taken over the family after the death of my eldest daughter Lucretia and brought ruin to my family by allying with that monster...well the people that she would have chosen made it impossible for them to take over. Andromeda, while I had reestablished back into the Family had been disowned and none of the Family’s Aura would react well if I try to make her or her daughter the next Head of the family. Bellatrix...well she ruined any and all chances, such a waste of talent,” Regent Black shakes his head, “And well...Narcissa may be a good choice, I do not want Lucius Malfoy to be able to wrap around my family...the fact that she lets him walk all over...well doesn’t look good for the Lady of the House...but Miss Potter here,” he nods his head to her, “Is the granddaughter of my sister and if Sirius,” Aria was confuse about the flinch that shudder through Professor McGonagall’s body before she shot a glare to Regent Black, “told me right...Aria is his Aura-Bonded daughter,”

At this, there were startled gasps, whispers suddenly erupting from the startled crowd. Regent Black just smiles, “That is why I am here...Miss Potter here will be going to Gringotts...her inheritage test will show if Sirius is speaking the truth or not...if he is, I’ll be having my lawyers start the process of getting out of his cruel and unwanted punishment,”

“If that was true...then surely Dumbledore..”

“You know as much as I do, that like everyone else, that no one trusts us because we allied ourselves to the King of Beast,”

“Whose is the King of Beast?” Aria asked, making the two look down at her. Professor McGonagall sigh, before gesturing the two to follow her. Frowning, Aria did so, Regent Black walking by her side.

“The King of Beast was Godric Gyffindor’s uncle… Godric’s father rule Priderock City...back then, the Priderock Kingdom and he...wasn’t a good ruler. The strong rule over the weak by might, and by fang. He worked to change the King of Beasts deposed his brother to build a better, wiser kingdom. That is why another name for him was, “enlightened ruler without equal,” The King of Beasts never discriminated against even the smallest herbivores...even sparing the spoils of his hunts with the hyenas- a group of pariahs,” Regent Black smiles, “Our ancestors starve until the King shook things up...some of us still call him our savior to this day,”

“And what happen to this King?”

“Well...after disposing of his brother, he raised his nephew, Godric as his own, even allowing the other boy to go traveling through Grimm to see the region. When his nephew return, to talk about building up a school with the other founders, he thought it was a splendid idea! He help the Great Four create their school, funding it, spare no expense… when he died from old age, it was said he join the great kings of the past with a competent smile on his face, knowing that his nephew will rule the Kingdom well...the reason why some people,” and Regent Black glowers at this, “don’t like to speak of him is because people believed he was in the wrong for killing his elder brother,”

Aria frown at this, but her attention was pulled away as they slip through the sliding doors that were in the back of the Leaky Cubchoo, was a vast marble hall, filled with wooden counters, which tellers sat behind, talking to customers. The tellers themselves were identical, with periwinkle hair that went down to their shoulders, framing their faces with curls. They were either scribbling into large ledgers, examine precious evolution stones through eyeglasses to make sure they were real, and more showing people in and out of the many doors that lead to somewhere further in, away from the hall.

“The Julian Family, the have total control over the first floor and the lower levels of the Diagon,” Professor McGonagall explained, “they’re the ones who we will be asking for your inheritance test. They like the Joy Family and the Jenny have the weird attribute to look alike,”

Aria nodded at this, coming to sit down in the chair as the next teller called out next. Julian looked up, placing an old parchment onto the counter and then lean forward, grabbing Aria by the wrist and making her hiss in pain as he pricks her finger with a sharp needle. Ignoring her hisses, he squeezes the finger, letting the blood drop onto the parchment. Aria watches as the parchment seemly absorbs the droplets of blood, glowing a light blue before words begin to write itself seemingly by an invisible hand.

Inheritance of Aria Marigold Potter-Black

Father: James Fleamont Potter (decease) Sirius Orion Black the Third (Aura-Bonded/incarnated)

Mother: Lily Azalea Potter née Evans (decease)

Heirships: Heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter, Heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, Heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble House Peverell

Abilities: Noble’s Heart, Cackle of Fear

Properties: Priderock Gym-Priderock City, Godric’s Hollow-Priderock City, Cacklebone Gym-Cacklebone City, 12 Grimmuald Avenue-Wishdream City

“Well I be,” Regent Black smiles, a cold hard look shining in his eyes, “can I have a copy of this to send to my lawyers?”

“Of course, Regent Black,” Julian nodded his head, but Professor McGonagall was staring with wide eyes, her mouth open.

“How… how did she get the heirship of Peverell?” She stutters out, face pale.

“Who knows…” Julian shrugs, looking like he didn’t care one bit, “While the main line did die out many years ago, the daughters of House Peverell have married into other families… something must have happen for the Family’s Aura to chose her as the heiress.. but I don’t care,” he rolls his eyes, opening a drawer and pulling out a red rotomphone, “now I am forced to tell you Heiress Potter that until you reach the age of seventeen you can only access the trust vaults of your account, which with the rotomphone connected to, you can do transactions. Now as a first year you have restrictions placed on you.

“You have a set number of Pokeballs you can use, but no Great Balls or Giratina forbids Ultra Balls, if you try to use those you will pass out, possibly even kill yourself. The same with potions, only potions until you are in a higher grade… you will learn more about that in school,” he explained seeing the confusion on Aria’s face. He types in a few things on his computer after connecting the phone to it which then began to spark a bit before he unplugs it. Nodding his head, Julian handed it to Aria while passing Regent Black a copy of the inheritance test. “That is everything you need to know if there’s nothing else to it,” without missing a beat he screams out, “NEXT,” and Aria slips out of her chair, following the two to an elevator.

“Where to next?”

“To the upper floors Miss. Potter,” Professor McGongall said, face still pale but much calmer, “it’s a tradition to go up one floor at the time until you reach the roof where Professor Ollivander resides. Our next stop is the second floor, Madam Malkin’s Boutique and Salon,”

An hour later or so, Aria shook her head, the black and golden locks swish about. As soon as they step on the second floor, the employees of Madam Malkin’s Boutique and Salon had took one look at her and led her away, quickly washing away the badly dyed hair to reveal the golden color at the end of her hair.

“The ends of my hair had started turning gold when I was… seven?” Aria explained to Regent (“call me Grandfather, I am your Great Uncle”) Black as it was slowly cut to fix that bad cut her Aunt had did. “Aunt Petunia was horrified that it was doing that so she force me to dye my hair every month to keep the gold hidden...mix with how she always makes my hair short that it makes people confuse me as a boy…”

“Petunia from what little I remember her,” Professor McGonagall sigh, “Had always been jealous of your mother...from her looks to the fact that she gain a scholarship to Hogwarts,” she shakes her head, “Its sad that she never grew past that,”

After her hair was free from the dye, and given a reasonable cut and wash that she was told will help her hair grow out a bit...not too much but her hair should reach her shoulders before school starts, she was lead towards the clothing section. Led behind a screen, she was to step on a little stool as a woman and a Leavanny took her measurements, “We’re going to do the ceremonial robes first,” the woman explained grabbing a black robe and slipping it over Aria’s head. Her ears twitched, looking at herself in the mirror as the woman began to stitch it to fit her size. The robe had a midnight blue belt with Hogwarts’ emblem being on the center of the gold buckle… The robes cuffs were golden embroidery in the image of some sort of mirror, while it also had a hood, which the woman pulled up to make sure it covered Aria’s ears comfortably.

“Why do we have to wear this?” she grumbles, being force to turn in a circle a bit.

“The Ceremonial Robes were what the Great Four wore during their tutelage under the Great use to be the standard uniform,” Grandfather explained, “Nowadays it is only worn during special ceremonies, like the Sorting Ceremony or Graduation Ceremony since we upgraded to a more...modern uniform,”

Professor McGonagall snorted at this, rolling her eyes. After a few more minutes, Aria was allowed to take the robes off, folding them up neatly and place in a bag before her uniform was worked on. The uniform for Hogwarts Academy was like what the list said, a black jacket with a silver skirt. Aria was a bit frustrated that she was to wear a skirt but was told that she could wear leggings underneath. The skirt for the summer and spring seasons went to her knees, while the colder months of autumn and winter went to her ankles. Of course, the jacket and skirt weren’t the only uniform, they wore a white button shirt and once they were sorted into their Houses, would be given a vest that matches the color of their dorm along with a ribbon to tie around their left arm. Afterwards, they also got Aria clothes that she could wear during her free time, and she couldn’t help the purr that rumble out of her throat at finally having clothes that don’t belong to Dudley, along with the new nonbroken glasses that she could actually see through.

Going to the third floor, where Sunflora and Bonsly’s reside, wearing an emerald green shirt and jeans, they waited in the very long line to buy and download the course books she needed for her classes. Afterward they went up to the fourth floor, where many stores took over. They went to Slugma and Jigglypuff’s Apothecary were she got her brewing kit that she will need for Brewing Class and then they headed over to Scribbulus Market, where they bought her Magnifico Trainer Bag, which was a dark brown with the pockets being black. It made carrying all her parcels much easier, having the same hammerspace technology that Pokeballs have. They also bought her Trainer Belt here, which was a nice dark green that hung a little bit around her waist.

“So we got the Trainer belt, the bag, the Brewing Kit, the clothes and the books,” Aria mumbles looking over her list, “All we need now is..” she gulps, clutching the list tightly in her hand and almost ripping it apart with her claws, “The starter,” she whispers, an ache growing in her heart. She had wanted Ruggie as her Starter… but that wasn’t going to be happening.

They stood in silence as the elevator ding, signifying that they were on the fifth floor. Stepping out, Aria’s mouth drops open. The whole roof was covered in a glass dome but that wasn’t what caught Aria’s attention. No, it was that the whole roof was covered in grass, filled with trees and even a pond, “How did they build something like this on a roof?”

“With a lot of time and patience,” jumping, Aria turns to see an older man walking towards them. His hair was pure white and reached to his shoulders. He wore a white lab coat over a gray button up shirt with a brown ribbon tied around his neck. “I was wondering when I would be seeing you Miss. seems only yesterday your mother and father were here for their first Pokemon,” he chuckles a bit under his breath.

“My parents got there Pokemon from here?” Aria asked with wide eyes, “But I thought those from...Gym Leader families bred their own Pokemon,”

“Well while some families do, some take their children here,” Professor Ollivander explained, “Some Pokemon, even at their beginning stages are too much for a starting Trainer to handle. Your father took a Gastly that was quite mischief out of my hands. Your mother on the other hand, was given a very serious Fenniken that was known to throw embers at people’s faces…” he smiles sadly closing his eyes, “Its a shame to what happen to them...but they will be honor for their sarcifices for many generations...maybe forever,”

Aria frowns, staring at him before he waves his arm at her, gesturing her to come over. Looking over at Grandfather and Professor McGonagall, both who nodded their heads, she walked over cautiously, “You look so much like them..your father most of all but you do have your mother’s eyes..but you are not here for are here for yourself,” he looks around, before he let out a large whistle. Aria took a step back as many Pokemon soon crowded around her, all scrambling to get her attention, “Back up you! Back up all,” he shoos away the Rattata, Bunnery and Pikipek, “You’re not the one she needs. Now where is he...I know he is a bit shy but I think you and him will do well?”

“Who?” Aria asked before a white skull mask was in her face. Screaming a bit, Aria scrambles back to see a black robe floating in mid air, a mask that resemble a skull acting as its face, with a single red eye floated between its eye sockets, “A Duskull?”

“Yes...he’s my only Ghost Type that I have at this moment, so I want to try him first. The Potters have been training Ghost Type since the founding of the Everstar League...I thought he would be a good fit for you,” Aria stares at the little Requiem Pokemon, watching him tilt his body slightly while staring at Aria.

“Uh...hi?” Aria waves, but then shrieks as the Duskull surges forward, wrapping its arms around her head as he glomps her face. She grabs him, trying to pull him off but his grip was tight. “He’s not letting go,”

“Well...I guess that means that he chose you,” Aria blinks, and Professor Ollivander chuckles, “Oh you youngsters.. you do not pick your Starter...your Starter picks you. It is much different than prooving your worth to a wild Pokemon in battle. They feel out your aura, like all Pokemon do, and if he likes it, as he does, he forms a connection to you...Aura constantly flows from our bodies, we can’t use it like how Pokemon use it. Our Pokemon feeds off that Aura, it is what makes them stronger, allows them to go down evolution paths that they would not be able to reach out in the wild, to learn moves that they would not be able to learn without our guidance. Its the reason why Pokemon who attack you in the long grass do so, they want to see if you will be that Trainer for them...and this Duskull has chosen you to help him...just as his brother did...once upon of time,”

Aria was able to gently pull Duskull away from her face, staring at Professor Ollivander, “”

“I have been giving out many Pokemon throughout my years, just as my father did before me, and his mother did before him,” Professor Ollivander whispers, “And like them, I remember each and every Pokemon I gave out. Long ago, a Trainer came to my shop and donated an egg to me, and when it hatched it brought two small Duskulls into the world, both knowing the move, Dark Pulse, something that Duskull don’t normally knew...I never got that Trainer’s name...I never saw him again after that…” he closes his eyes, “About 53 years ago...a boy around the same age as you came here getting his first Pokemon...the twin to this Duskull’s brother took a liking to him…” he rubs his hand against his face, “To this day I regret allowing him to go with that boy,”

Aria stares at Professor Ollivander, a frown on her face, “That boy,” he explained, “He had so much potential, and he did prove that I was right...he did so many great things,” those pale eyes stared at her, making Aria shiver, “But they were is curious Miss. Potter...that the Duskull that chose to bond with you...while his brother...chose to bond with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named,” he whispers, making her gulp and stare at him with wide eyes. But the man sighs, rumaging through his pocket and pulling out a cut gem that was pitch black, “Here is your Aura not lose this Miss. Potter, this is very vital for your journey as a Trainer. If it is lost and stolen, please come back here for a replacement, but I must warn you, a replacement is not cheap,” Aria nodded her head, gently taking the stone into her hand and made herself look at those pale eyes, “I expect you will do great things too,” he whispers, “But let us pray to Giratina that they won’t be terrible like the things that he did,”

Aria frowns, clenching down on the jewel in hand, but stepping away from Ollivander. She turns her head when she felt something poke her cheek and looked at the Duskull in question who was floating by her head. He was staring at her with his one red eye, before he did a flip in the air, floating around in circle around her head which brought out a laugh from her.

Whatever Professor Ollivander thought of her, it didn’t matter, she had a Pokemon by her side. And while it wasn’t Ruggie...Duskull was still hers. Nothing would ever change that.

Aria Potter and the Griseous Orb - Chapter 2 - FlippytheZilla - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.